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12 hours later

"It's been two whole days, she should be back, I'm tired of sitting around we should do something" John has been a complete wreck "She could be dead! Sherlock we have to do something"

A knock came to the door and in came Mycroft, looking pale and FIDGETING, Mycroft fidgeting.

"I have news, Ema has started working with me for money" He sighed "Ever since I met her, all her life she's always tried to protect her father, keep him alive, her dad was in the hospital for a long time. She visited him recently, not very long ago. All was fine, but her dad is no longer in the hospital, what does this tell us?" Mycroft explained slowly and nervously.

"Her dad has something to do with her disappearance" John said. "Her dad? But something is off about this, why would her dad do that? When she's spend all this time protecting him?" I wasn't sure. There was a missing puzzle. She had too many people on her case, the process of elimination isn't going to work.

"Why would her dad go missing the day AFTER she's left, he has something to do with it...Jim Moriarty has something to do with it" I thought out loud. "Exactly, something fishy is going on. I'm sort of regretting not putting cameras in her dad's hospital room" Mycroft muttered under his breath "She's the bravest agent I've ever had, if we were to lose her that would be a real shame" Mycroft's voice came again very cold and emotionless.

"Her dad knows she's an assassin I'm assuming?" I needed info on this. "Yes, an ex assassin though. She's told him she works with me but just office work. He might have believed that or sent people to spy on her to know what she actually does" I nodded getting to the bottom of this.

"I believe it's time we ended this" I got up to put my coat on, I knew exactly where to go.


John's POV

We've left to the hospital where Ema's dad was staying, Sherlock was asking a couple of nurses responsible for her dad questions. Most of them seemed to answer regular questions, nothing too suspicious. He was clueing for looks in the room, he looked through every detail and he had a few ideas.

"Mycroft, have you ever thought you might be the target?" Sherlock asked smirking. Mycroft frowned at him in confusion. "Me? A target? Why exactly? What do I possess that Ema can take out of me?" Sherlock smirked at Mycroft's question. "It's not what you possess, it's your position itself in the British government, has it ever occurred to you that Ema could easily be used as a weapon against you if she decided to turn her back and be the villain?" Sherlock spoke loud and fast. He was clearly getting a hold of the case.

"What would her dad need with my position?" Mycroft asked still confused, and so was I.

"You're capable of protecting them, Ema's last crime what was it? Before she came to London, what was she?" "An assassin in France, she ran away to London from France, only to get herself into trouble here with the British government. Instead of putting her in jail I used her skills for our own good...." Mycroft said.

"In other words Mycroft, she's still killing people but can't be put in jail because she's under your protection"

"Her father needs protection then, but he's not involved in anything illegal. I am a hundred percent sure of that" Mycroft stated with certainty. "Her father doesn't need protection, but how about Jim Moriarty. Jim does not need protection? You can say that with-" Sherlock was explaining until Mycroft cut him off "OFCOURSE! Moriarty left London a week ago because he's in trouble, that's what he told Ema, something about the British government! Moriarty is manipulating the father into using Ema against me" Mycroft concluded. "So Moriarty actually knew all along that Ema is working with you Mycroft, that's why he didn't blow us up at the pool, that's why he allowed Ema to go back to ER, she should've known that! She should've been more careful!" Sherlock was snapping.

The puzzle was finally solved at least, Ema was the next puzzle. We should've seen that coming. "How are we supposed to save her?" I asked sitting down next to the empty hospital bed. Just then, a text was received to Sherlock's phone.

Sherlock's POV

"We're being watched" I said as I finished reading the text.

'I thought you were bored,

Really hoping you're enjoying this, i know i am.

Ema is not. i've always liked how smart you wanted everything to be,

Not a compliment, but you're getting rather good at puzzle solving.


This text message just confirmed that it is indeed Jim after this. "He gave me no clues"

Back to Baker Street

"Ahh" a text was received yet again by Irene Adler. "Getting sick of this" I heard John mutter.

"Funny how we thought Irene Adler had something to do with it" He continued.

I frowned, picking up my phone, reading the text one more time. I - thought you were bored.

R - eally hoping you're enjoying this, i know i am. E- ma is not. N - to a compliment. E-njoy.


Sherlock x OC - The Black Masquerade Mask (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now