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Enjoy the long chapter :) let me know what you think of Irene and Ema's past!

I stayed with Mycroft the whole day, until he asked me to leave and go get Sherlock for the plan to take place. I rode off in the driver's car with the two men from his office with me. One of the men glaring at me, he probably hated my guts. I did point a gun at him after all.

I went up the flat, with the two men behind me, I wish I hadn't went up though. Because the scene in front of me was not very pleasant. Irene was leaning over at Sherlock as always, and Sherlock was just sitting there. "It's not the end of the world, it's Ema" Sherlock whispered. I wanted to point a gun at her and kick her out. But I knew she would be there soon. She'd follow us, "Yes it is Ema" I commented irritated by their state.

I went over to Sherlock and grabbed his hand "Sherlock let's go, there's somewhere I need you to be at" I said while he stood up. The two men walked in and handed him the envelope.

He's agreed to come with us, he followed me downstairs and went into the car, both of us silent.

"You were different today" Sherlock commented. "I had to be, it's an act you'll understand everything when we reach Mr.Holmes" I said professionally. "Mr.Holmes?" He questioned and I ignored him. I've been way too affectionate for him today. I needed to divert the topic before he brings anything up.

The ride was silent until he took out the flight ticket and said "There's going to be a bomb on a passenger jet. The British and American governments know about it but rather than expose the source of that information they're going to let it happen. The plane will blow up. Coventry all over again. The wheel turns. Nothing is ever new" "Well done, I wish you would use your smart arse deductions wisely time" I muttered the last part under my breath" He arched an eyebrow at me.

"We're here, let's go" I said loading my gun in the car and got out. We were near the plane now, and Neilson, the American guy was waiting by the stairs. Sherlock acknowledged his existence "Well, you're lookin' all better. How ya feelin'?" his american accent coming out wrong.

Neilson replied angry by the sight of Sherlock and I "Like putting a bullet in your brain ... sir." I pointed my gun at him while Sherlock held my hand and lead us both up the plane stairs. "They'd pin a medal on me if I did...sir" He continued while we walked up. I stood by his side leaning on one of the chairs. "The Coventry conundrum" Mycroft's voice came. "What do you think of my solution?...The flight of the dead" He continued.

Sherlock was looking around in the cabin letting everything sink in. "The plane blows up mid-air. Mission accomplished for the terrorists. Hundreds of casualties, but nobody dies." "Neat don't you think? Ema has helped..." Mycroft said "You've been stumbling round the fringes of this one for ages – or were you too bored to notice the pattern?" Sherlock looked in deep thought as if remembering something "We ran a similar project with the Germans a while back, though I believe one of our passengers didn't make the flight....But that's the deceased for you – late, in every sense of the word" Sherlock frowned "How's the plane going to fly?....Of course: unmanned aircraft. Hardly new." He said replying to his own question. Mycroft smirked "It doesn't fly. It will never fly. This entire project is cancelled. The terrorist cells have been informed that we know about the bomb. We can't fool them now. We've lost everything. One fragment of one email, and months and years of planning finished"

"Your MOD man" Sherlock said as if he figured it out. "Ema..." Mycroft said motioning for me to speak up I took a deep breath shaking my head..."That's all it takes: one lonely naive man desperate to show off, and a woman clever enough to make him feel special" Mycroft said disappointed. He has the right to be, I mean HE WAS SHOWING OFF.

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