Lousy Spy

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"Sherlock! Sherlock!" We heard John's voice coming from downstairs. "Looks like your job is done" Mycroft stared coldly at me. "John" Mr.Holmes spoke...

Is it me or are they both acting like nothing has just happened? Mr.Holmes is very normal about the subject of me spying on him which is weird. He just liked the fact that he could deduce that and show off how smart he is in front of Mycroft. Mycroft is acting like this was bound to happen! What is wrong with these two? They really are brothers. My train of thoughts was cut off when John called my name "Elizabeth you were spying on us?"

"Yes and no" Fuck I have disappointed John, I hate that. I really feel like I have a strong bond with John, I don't wanna be put off the mission now. "What do you mean yes and no?" John asked eyeing me, clearly trying to take the news in a calm manner. "Yes that yes Im a spy, and no that i haven't been not spying on you" I said nervously..."Look I'm sorry, this is a job and I didn't think it would be a big deal at first because I didn't have a connection to you guys...but now I do" I continued, smiling sheepishly at John hoping he would understand. "Elizabeth, you're off the job, I need you somewhere else anyway" Mycroft said, we made eye contact and I knew he's just acting like I'm off the job. "Oh okay" "I'm sorry am I the only one reacting to this normally?" John asked the two guys sitting down facing each other. "I knew all along, I just didn't say anything because she helps entertain me" Mr.Holmes explained his point of view of why he's not pissed or surprised. "You knew all along?" I gasped "Why yes, you don't do a very good job acting, I wasn't sure at the beginning but I knew in the Chinese circus that you weren't an ordinary girl at all" Mr.Holmes ended his little speech. "Oh wow, well I'm sorry for deceiving you but this is my job, I was hired to protect you" I apologized sincerely hoping there would be no hard feelings. If I were to be put off the spying plan, I would really miss those two I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I've grown attached to them in a way. They're like family.

I heard laughing coming from Mr.Holmes, "What? Whats funny Mr.Holmes?" I looked over at him laughing, this is the first time I see him laugh genuinely and I couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked. "Protect me? Mycroft how silly of you, hiring a little girl to protect me" He said chuckling. I gasped how dare he call me little "HEY! You and me now! Ill kick your ass Sherlock Holmes!" I yelled at him. Part of me knew he was just teasing me, John was silent as if shocked but he was dealing with it better than I expected. I was shocked with myself, how I grew to care about them in such a little time I don't know but it felt nice. "Did Mrs.Hudson know?" John asked me. "Yes she knew I was a spy and agreed more since she worries sometimes about Mr.Holmes as well" I said looking at John hopefully. "are you mad at me John?"

"Were you faking the little speech that time in the bedroom? Did you do that to get closer to me and Sherlock?" "No, I wasn't I was sincere about that John." "Then I guess I'm not mad" John pulled me in for a hug. "If we're done with the dramatic scene of you three, I'd like to see you in my office Elizabeth you'll come with me after my visit here is done" Mycroft said, his tone very neutral. "How come she doesn't call you sir? What sort of relationship do you two have?" Mr.Holmes looked over at me. "Lets just say she's a rebel, we met a few years ago thats when I made a human out of her but enough with that for now dear brother. I'm here to discuss with you something important" Mycroft said. "I can't" Mr.Holmes interrupted without even being asked what to do. "Cant?" Mycroft didn't like what he heard. "Ill be packing, while you guys talk" I said lighting a cigarette and walking out of the room. "No, keep your things here. Someone has been looking for you Elizabeth. I guess you've been busy with watching over Sherlock that you neglected yourself a little" Mycroft said sharply. "Who has been looking for me? I can take care of myself Mycroft you know that well" I said with the same tone. "Elizabeth, don't rebel, danger is around you so you'll need to listen to me and not defy me!" Mycroft said getting pissed off with my attitude. "Defy you? Okay dad I wont defy you please don't get me grounded!" I was pissed but all I could do is make fun of Mycroft. "Very amusing" Mr.Holmes commented. "I thought she was softer than this" John joined in commenting on my rude behavior. "You should see her true colors, you'll be astounded with her" Mycroft added. "Can we stop discussing me? I didn't know I was this important that you'd waste more time here Mycroft!" I said annoyed at his comment. "Right, Sherlock I need you to take the case, it's of national importance" Mycroft turned to Sherlock and asked his brother for the favor. "I'm busy" Mr.Holmes said. "He's not busy" I interrupted. Mr.Holmes looked over at me "I am busy" "Busy with what exactly?" I asked confused, just today the wall took a pounding because he was 'bored'. "Busy with personal things that your super spying skills couldn't detect" Mr.Holmes snapped at me, I've clearly annoyed him.

Way to go girl.

"I suppose you can get through to him John" Mycroft looked over at John. "Why don't you investigate it?" Mr.Holmes asked his brother. " No no no, I cant be away from the office now, not with the korean elections- but you don't need to know that now do you? besides a case like this it requires..leg work" Mycroft realized that he slipped something that he shouldn't have. He looked over at John. I took a puff of my cigarette watching the three men go on about the case. Who could be looking for me? I really hope it's not who I think it is. Mycroft would kill me if he found out Moriarty's related to me. I always wanted to come clean but I realized it's way too late. There's no need for that to happen. I was snapped out of my thoughts "It was the sofa Sherlock, the sofa" I heard Mycroft saying.

"Sherlock's business has been booming since you and he became..pals what's he like to live with? Hellish I imagine" Mycroft commented sarcastically. "Ah I'm never bored" John said. "Good, that's good isn't it, now that it's all out Elizabeth you're never bored too I suppose?" Mycroft was clearly asking me for a small review about his bright brother. "He's sitting right there" I said hinting that it should be a secret, our business. "That's fine, he thinks you're a lousy spy but he doesn't know a thing" Mycroft said a little annoyed. Ah, sibling rivalry he got pissed 'cause Mr.Holmes dissed his favorite spy. "Well, he is pretty smart, but he misses the small details" I said taking Mycroft's side. "Small details? Non sense I don't miss the small details thats exactly what I pay attention to" Mr.Holmes said. Mycroft walked over to John and handed him a file, since Mr.Holmes wasn't taking it. "Andrew West know as Westie to his friends" Mycroft proceeded to tell the boys more details about the case while I started zoning out.

A lot has happened today, what an eventful day. But what's more surprising is Mr.Holmes. How can he be so calm about things all the time? No calm is not the word. He's composed, he doesn't get shocked with anything, he knows everything all the time. It's a bit not human, he's weird sort of. I mean John acted more normal than Mr.Holmes did, but why wasn't he mean to me? Putting myself in his shoes, I would've been mad. Maybe he's used to this sort of behavior from his brother.

"Lets go Elizabeth, get your essentials we have a lot to do today" Mycroft said excusing himself "Are we going to see you again?" John asked shooting me a look before I got up. "I guess so, I'm still gonna be living here according to Mycroft" I said smiling at him. This wasn't going to end our friendship I'm pretty sure. John and I had a strong bond now, and even though I hid this secret from him, he was able to deal with it fast. Mr.Holmes always has the i don't care expression on but he was teasing me about it so deep down I knew a part of him he doesn't know it exists, gives a shit. "Ill see you guys later, stay safe" I said walking out. 

who do you think is after elizabeth? someone from her past definitely! but who? A new character will appear soon, and they're going to blow your mind! what do u think of the confrontation? Too dramatic or too cold? 

I hope u guys enjoyed! :) please vote/comment what u think.

Sherlock x OC - The Black Masquerade Mask (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon