Turn them off

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"What the hell was that?!" Sherlock snapped at my sudden reaction then wiped his off. John chuckled, probably finding what I did cute. If he got inside my head right now I believe he wouldn't find anything cute in there.

"Why does your phone make that noise Sherlock?" John turned to him. "What noise?" Sherlock asked acting clueless. "That noise the one it just made" John explained patiently. "It's a text alert, it means I've got a text" Sherlock explained pulling the newspaper back to his hands.

"Hmm, your texts usually don't make that noise" John commented raising his eyebrows. "Well some body got a hold of the phone and apparently as a joke personalized their text alert noise" Sherlock explained briefly, like this was not weird. Another text was received and I felt like if I stayed here longer and listened to that piece of shit phone, I might shoot it and Sherlock too.

I picked up my backpack and took a small handgun out placing it under my belt. "Out to shoot someone?" Sherlock took note of what I was doing.

"Probably" I sighed in annoyance. "Just be grateful it isn't you" I added under my breath. "heard that" He commented. "That's good I'm glad you did!" I replied pointing a finger at him. "What are you so pissy about so early in the morning? Are you going to get drunk again?" Sherlock asked smirking at me. "I believe that does not concern you Mr.Holmes" He took note of the name.

"What else does she have? Irene Adler? Americans wouldn't be interested in her for some photographs! There's more...much more.......something big is coming isn't it" Sherlock started deducing as Mycroft stood in front of his brother.

"Irene Adler is no longer any concern of yours, from now on you will stay out of this" Mycroft said his tone low and sharp. "Oh will I?" Sherlock mimicked his brother's tone. "Yes, Sherlock you will" Mycroft said "Now if you'll excuse me I have a long apology to make to a very old friend" Mycroft added. "Do give him my love" Sherlock said picking up his violin.

Mycroft looked over to me "Emeraude, I believe we have some unfinished business. Come along?" He asked me. "I'll follow you on my motorcycle" I said preparing myself to leave. "No, leave it here. I don't think you should drive today given the state you're in" Mycroft said eyeing me from up to down. "What state?" I asked confused. I was perfectly fine.

"You've had around 3 and a half hours of sleep last night, there are dark circles under your eyes, your hands are shaking given the excess amount of alcohol you indulged in last night not to mention you're very distracted, your breathing is uneven, your heart rate is fluctuating-" I cut him of "FINE FINE JUST STOP IT BEFORE I SET MYSELF ON FIRE!" I snapped at him and walked out of the door.

Mycroft's office

"Ah finally, you and I getting a private small chat together" Mycroft said. I looked at him weirdly, "Is there any version of that sentence where you don't sound creepy?" I asked him.

He sighed "Viola, care to explain what's going on with you?"

"No, it's embarrassing I can't tell you" I said looking away from him. We were seated across each other having breakfast, since Mycroft was going to blow my head off if I refused food.

"How about I take a guess? It's about Sherlock isn't it?" Mycroft asked teasing me. "Maybe it is" He smiled in satisfaction.

"Are you disappointed that the woman beat you at something?" Mycroft asked raising an eyebrow at me. "The woman? She has a name Mycroft she's nothing special. I don't know what's with you and your stupid brother CALLING HER THE WOMAN LIKE THERE'S NO OTHER WOMAN TO EXIST EVER!" I couldn't handle it anymore I had to snap, because later on I was going to have to keep it in.

"Wow, how long have you keeping that in?" Mycroft asked. I shrugged "just last night"

"So you're clearly annoyed, but why? I still don't get it" Mycroft said wondering to himself.

"Of course you don't get it, it's not a surprise" I said in annoyance. "Why?" Mycroft asked, he was starting to get on my nerves.

"You don't get it because it has to do with feelings! You and your stupid fucked up brother don't know anything about that!" I said realizing how sensitive I sounded "Eww" I muttered under my breath. I saw Mycroft look at me in shock "You have feelings for Sherlock? Now that is not something I expected" He said to himself more than to me.

I stayed silent. How on earth was I supposed to even answer...."And hold on, ever since when were you an expert on feelings?" Mycroft asked amused, very very amused actually. "I'm not, it's just weird okay? I'm not used to that it's like some illness I caught, like from hanging around Sherlock too much" I said annoyed trying to explain myself but failing to express my emotions.

"That could be one of the most messed up combinations, you and Sherlock" Mycroft said, muttering to himself. "Yeah, Mycroft you're not helping a lot!" "Well, can't you turn them off or something?" He asked casually.

"I wish I could, but I have a better plan I'll get rid of those feelings in a matter of like a week!"

I said promising him. He looked in deep thought "Actually, it wouldn't be such a bad thing if you kept your feelings. I mean it would certainly change the two of you to either something destructive or really...marvelous" Mycroft said trying to manipulate me into considering the idea.

"No Mycroft, don't dream of it" I said rolling my eyes.

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