"The deputy was a Were-pyre. It's all right. Silver bullets worked. Thank you." He said, confidently, but he didn't know what you did.

"No, Dean, listen -- According to the lore, the timing is off. The next solar eclipse in North America is years away. It can't be a --" you said, but then Dean cut you off again.

"Hang on." Dean said, but that only made you panic more.

"Dean, wait. Listen, it couldn't be..." silence, "Dean?" A loud thud against the car made you nervous again, "Dean!"

"Scratch that. You gotta cut off their..." his voice trailed off, your heard growling and hissing in the background.

"Dean, it's not a Whisper." You finally got it simple for him while he was still listening.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get that. Give me a second. All right." You heard him step across gravel,

"Whats going on? Is he okay?" Cass asked, being overtly patient with you.

"I dont know. I think so?" You said, trying to listen to Dean moving around:

"Th-- All right, that... Okay. Smile, asshat." He said, then came in loud in the speaker, "All right, babe, you there?"

"Of course. What's going on?" You asked, eager to know what the hell was happening.

"Well, whatever it is, silver slows it down. I, uh, I'm sending you a picture right now of its fangs." Your phone buzzed and you saw the picture.

 "I-I've never seen anything like it

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

"I-I've never seen anything like it. See if there's a match in the lore, would ya?" He asked. You snuck into the hallway.

"What do I get in return?" You smiled mischievously, and awfully lonely. Getting back to Dean's room.

"(Y/N), not right now. I'm working-" he whined, but the kind that was playful.

"I can't help it, I miss you." You said, taking in his bed that had become so natural to you it didn't even have a distinctive scent to you anymore.

"I miss you, too." He said, "How's Cass?"

"Better. A lot better. Last night I think I got rid of the last bit of the spell. I don't want to jinx it, but he should be better in a few days of resting." You reported, proud of yourself.

"I love it when you talk healer to me." He said, you heard the Impala start up in the background.

"Yeah, real hot and sexy." You added on, laughing to yourself, "Speaking of, I'm laying in your bed right now."

"I wish I was there too." He sighed, "Man."

"What is it?" You asked, wondering if anything was happening.

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