Chapter 33

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    Bow woke up to the phone ringing, her parents had bought her one so they could talk to her more often. She picked it up and answered, "Hello?" In a slightly groggy voice. "Bow! Get over here! Mom and Dad adopted a new sister! Oh that sounded rude sorry, not replacing you or anything! But come on you've gotta come meet her!" Arrow was squeaking loudly. "Ok I'm coming.." Bow said and hung up. New sister? Ok... She got up and started getting ready to go. Vaba came out of his room. "Where are you going?" He asked, watching her head towards the door. "Apparently my parents adopted a new sister, and by the sound of how quickly I need to go over there she's going to disappear or something if I'm not there soon." Vaba laughed. "Can I come?" "Sure! Come on!" Bow grabbed his paw and ran outside with him. They were close enough to her parents house to walk, so they did and got there in about five minutes. Bow breathlessly knocked on the door, which opened immediately. "Bow!" Arrow squeaked. "I've already told you that you don't have to knock! But come on, meet our new sister!" Bow and Vaba followed her into the living room. They saw Bow's new sister sitting on the couch, she was white and had green ears and a few green spots. It was Flick, the girl who had tried to help them and then ran off when Fallen came out. When she saw Bow and Vaba her eyes widened. "Oh heck no! Is she really my new sister?" Flick said loudly. Arrow stared between them. "You guys know each other?" Flick nodded. "Oh yeah, she's the one who has voices in her head and randomly gets hurt and stuff. And he's the guy who still likes her for some reason... Where's their murderous friend?" Arrow burst out laughing while Bow and Vaba stood awkwardly by the door and tried to think of what to say. "Oh wow," Arrow said. "Well all that's taken care of now, they're perfectly safe to be around." Flick looked at Bow and Vaba critically. "Well... They look fine now. I guess if you say so Arrow..." Then Flick smiled. "Hi new sister!" She waved at Bow. "Hi." Bow said, trying to hide her confusion and act friendly. "I'm Flick, I'm a flox! I might even be the last one, well except my brothers, but they act more like monkeys so they don't count. Plus they didn't come, so... I've heard you're Bow, and you're nice!" She chattered on and Bow tried to think of an appropriate response. It turned out that nodding and smiling worked fine. 

  Bow woke up to the phone ringing. Again. She picked up the phone, still half-asleep. "Wha..." She mumbled. "Bow! Come over!" Two voices squeaked. "Why..." Bow asked. "Because Flick is making breakfast today!" There was a hissing noise then a loud bang. Bow sighed. "I'll be over in half an hour.." She said and hung up. She drug herself out of bed and started making herself a small breakfast, knowing that half of what her sisters made wouldn't be edible. Then the phone rang again. Bow picked it up, exasperated. "Hello?" She said. "Hey honey," It was her dad. "Can you come over later and help me prank your sisters?" Bow smirked. "Of course, they're making breakfast and invited me over so I'll be there in about half an hour." She finished eating breakfast then went into Vaba's room quietly. She smiled, he was so cute when he slept... She left a note explaining where she'd gone then snuck out of the room. On her walk to her second breakfast, Dark popped out of a black hole. "Hi Bow!" "Hi Dark!" "Can I come to eat the edible half of breakfast?" Dark asked with a grin. "Yeah, sure." "And help prank your sisters?" "Of course!" Bow and Dark walked together, planning ways to prank everyone in the house. 

So I think this is the end! Happy ending and all, yay! I'll probably make a book two, whenever I get some ideas for it. I hope you enjoyed, but I'm guessing you did since you read this far xD 

I'm sad now this was fun to write... ;-; But I don't know what else can happen... Lol yah I'm definetely making a book two!

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