Chapter 22

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   Bow watched, scared, as the cat doll shattered on the floor. She was surprised that she didn't feel any pain, if that broke shouldn't she break too? She kept watching it. The lilac mist rose up from the shattered pieces and gathered into a cloud shaped like Bow. Had there always been that much? It stood in front of her, and she got an uncontrollable urge to touch it. She reached a paw out, and it mirrored her. She touched the mist, and it clung to her paw and started moving up her arm and wrapping around her whole body. Bow looked down, she looked like she was glowing lilac. Once it was completely covering her, it seemed to melt into her. She felt a warm feeling spread through her, not like the anger she'd felt, but more like a hug. She felt as though a piece of her was back, which it was, but she never thought she'd feel that complete. All her life it'd felt like something was missing, but she'd just gotten used to it. Bow smiled, everything was back now. She picked up the diary, which she'd dropped when the doll fell, and ran back outside to the car. 

  They drove onto a pretty street with lots of trees planted everywhere, mostly willows and pink flowered ones. Bow stared around in silent awe. How had she not found this street on her walks? It was only a short way away from Vaba's house. "Which one do you think it is?" Dark asked her. There were about seven houses on the road, numbered 1330, 510, 2562, 690, 710, 5724, 1231. Bow thought for a minute and shook her head. "I don't know..." She whispered. "I know." Said Vaba. Dark and Bow looked at him quickly. "Let's just choose one and ask where Arrow lives." He said. "Oh yeah, that's a good idea!" Bow said. Dark nodded. Vaba parked the car on the side of the road, and they piled out. They walked to the nearest house, 2562. Bow ran ahead and knocked on the door, which opened after a minute. A gray bunny opened the door. "Hello! How can I help you? Oh, have I met you before you look familiar." "Hi! Can you tell me which of these houses Arrow lives at?" The bunny looked like she was thinking hard. "Oh her... She doesn't come outside often, I dunno if she's right in the head. She's at 510 though, good luck whatever you want from her, though I'd be surprised if you weren't her yourself..." The bunny muttered and closed the door. Bow ran down the steps and crashed into Vaba and Dark half-way down. "Let's go!!" Bow squeaked, bouncing up and down. Vaba and Dark grabbed her paws and exchanged a look. "You sure? Did you not hear the doesn't go outside much, not right in the head part? Does that not remind you of Dylan?" Dark asked quietly. Bow stopped. Dark was right... But Arrow was different, right? And she'd lost both her siblings, maybe she was just depressed... Dark sighed and glared, having read Bow's thoughts. "You'd think someone having gone through what you've been through would be a bit more cautious... Oh well, go ahead then and if more demons are waiting for you I'm gonna say I told you so before helping you." Dark let go of Bow's paw, and she sped off, dragging Vaba behind her since he hadn't let go. She ran to 510 and knocked excitedly on the door. After about two minutes, right as Bow was about to knock again, she heard footsteps coming. The door opened slowly, and there was a small cat who looked almost exactly like Bow. Her eyes widened. "Bow?!" She squeaked. "Arrow!" Bow squeaked and started bouncing. "Oh my gosh Bow! I'm so sorry!" Arrow ran out and hugged Bow tightly. Bow hugged her back. "Why are you sorry?" Arrow hesitated before replying. "You got kidnapped after you fell on me, because I said you did it on purpose and you got upset and went off to be alone... It's all my fault!" She burst into tears. "No, it wasn't your fault, I promise. I can explain later." Bow reassured her. "Ok, do you wanna come in? And um who are they?" Arrow asked, noticing Vaba and Dark standing behind Bow. "They're my friends, they helped me find you!" Arrow glanced at them again, she looked a little wary but also grateful. "Ok, you guys wanna come in too?" She said hesitantly. "Yes, thanks." Vaba said. Dark remained silent, obviously not trusting Arrow yet. They followed her inside, and Arrow showed them to a nice couch in the living room. Once they were all settled down, Arrow asked. "So where have you been all these years Bow?" Bow started at the beginning, and told Arrow everything. At the part when she told how she'd gone to school, Vaba stared and her and interrupted. "You spent like eight years stalking me around school?" Bow giggled and nodded. Vaba shook his head and put his paws over his face, but Bow could tell he didn't mind that much and he was probably happy she'd noticed him. Bow told the rest of the story, including what happened with Dylan. Arrow had wide eyes and her paws over her mouth at that part. "Oh my... He... I'm so sorry you had to go through that..." She got up and hugged Bow again. Dark still looked suspicious, but seemed to be relaxing a bit more. Then they heard the front door open. "Oh, that should be mommy and daddy!" Arrow said. 

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