Chapter 11

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   Bow was walking tiredly back to the park as the sky began to light up. She yawned, thinking about her busy night and thankful the police hadn't taken her for more questioning. She finally reached the park, and flopped down on the first bench she saw. Bow was asleep almost immediately. 

  Bow was running through the woods, the same woods she'd escaped from. Only now the wolf was chasing her, calling after her in a creepy, sweet sounding voice. Then he was getting closer, and closer, until he tackled her. He pinned her down and was about to slit her throat, when he stopped and said in that creepy voice, "Oh, you're already dead. No use killing you, time for the rest now." He got up and somehow her family was right there. He walked towards them, they didn't move, and as he swung his clawed hand Bow closed her eyes. She heard a slicing noise and when she opened her eyes one of her family, her dad she guessed, was on the ground in a pool of blood. The wolf grinned and went towards her mom. Bow shrieked and tried to get up and stop him, but her paws were too heavy to move. Just as he swung at her mom something shook her and she heard a disembodied voice saying her name.

  Bow opened her eyes to see Dark and Vaba looking down at her, concerned looks on their faces. She was breathing heavily and whimpering a little. "Are you ok?" Vaba asked. Bow nodded and sat up. Dark didn't say anything, but she looked pretty disturbed. Was she able to see Bow's dream? Maybe, it seemed possible. "I-it was just a dream it's nothing...." Bow said even though it wasn't true and took a deep breath. "Ok, furball... I filled Dark in on what happened last night by the way." Dark seemed to snap back into reality. "Yeah, how'd you he was coming for Vaba?" The whole event ran through Bow's head, and by the widening of Dark's eyes she could tell she'd seen. "He came for me first, but I escaped and followed him." Bow said, since Vaba was there and didn't know about Dark's mind reading. "Ok." Dark said. They all sat in silence for a while, then Vaba said, "Thanks Bow, I haven't said thanks yet and I might've died last night if it wasn't for you..." Bow smiled and blushed a little, "Yeah, no problem.." Then Dark giggled a little and poked Vaba's shoulder. "Hey, I'm gonna go get us something to eat. It's your job to distract her from last night, and you know exactly how to do that." Dark walked away and left Vaba looking slightly scared and blushing. "I... Uhh... I don't know..." He said awkwardly. Bow had a good idea what it was, "Oh come on, it's not like I'll stop being your friend or something, whatever it is! I like you too much for that." Bow tried to stay calm while hinting. Vaba looked at her, a strange look on his face. Surprise, happy, scared, and something else Bow didn't know. "I... Bow... Umm... You... Wanna be my...Uhhh Girlfriend?" He stuttered. Bow smiled bigger than she ever had in her life. "Yes!!" She squeaked, and for the first time didn't mind the squeak. She tackle hugged Vaba, who fell over in surprise before hugging her back. "You're really going to say yes after only knowing me for a week?" I've had a crush on you and stalked you for years... Bow thought. "I've had a crush on you since you helped me years ago, so yes." She said. Vaba smiled and whispered. "Same." 

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