Chapter 32

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Bow woke up in the park, right where she'd been when all that holy water had fallen on her and Dylan. She was invisible, but even though she was a ghost she still felt weak and stiff after that. She looked around and saw Vaba sitting on the bench, scanning in her general direction, and... Her parents? They were sitting on the bench next to Vaba. Bow sat up, and her head started to hurt. Standing up sounded like a bad idea, so did turning visible. So she crawled over next to Vaba and whispered in his ear. "Hi.." He jumped. "Bow?" Her parents turned and looked at him. "Shh... What do they want? Why are they here?" She whispered even quieter. "It's ok, they're here to apologize and talk to you." Bow was silent, she still didn't trust them. Vaba looked at them. "Just say whatever you want to say, she's here but she doesn't trust you. And I honestly don't blame her..." Her parents exchanged a look. "Ok," Her mom started. "We're so sorry. After losing you, then Dylan, and finding out what Dylan did, we were so scared about losing Arrow that we might've been a little... Over-protective and untrusting..." Bow snorted. "Yeah, a little..." Her mom fell silent and looked down. Her dad started talking. "Ok, more than a little... Sorry we wouldn't believe you or give you a chance, but you know how your brother is! Anyway, after you saved Arrow, we saw all that by the way, we knew we were wrong... And we know you're Bow. We... Would you like to come live with us now?" Were they for real... Seriously... Bow stood up, ignoring the pain in her head, and walked over to in front of them. She turned visible and glared. "You almost got me killed multiple times. Almost ruined all my friendships. And made me jump off a building. What do you think?" They looked down, unsure how to respond. Vaba stood up and took Bow's paw. He tried to pull her away gently and sit her down on the bench, but she resisted. "I used my whole life trying to find you and remember you... Then I did... And look what happened!" She hissed. She felt tears coming to her eyes. "W-we realize that honey... We're sorry..." Her mom said. "Sorry doesn't fix the pain..." She whispered. Then Bow turned invisible and burst into tears, and she ran away to Vaba's house. 

  There was a knock on her bedroom door. "Who is it?" Bow asked, wiping her eyes dry quickly. "It's Dark and Vaba." Came Dark's voice. "Come in I guess..." Bow said. The door opened and they came in. "You ok, kitten?" Asked Vaba. "I'm fine..." Bow replied. Dark watched Bow thoughtfully. "You know..." She said. "I know how upset you are. Sometimes it helps to let it go." "Yeah," Vaba agreed. "You'll be happier..." Bow flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "Vaba?" She said quietly. "Yeah?" "Do you like having me here? Or am I a burden?" "No!" He said quickly. "I like having you here." Was he just saying that? "Dark? Is that true?" Bow asked. "Yup." Said Dark. "He's secretly very lonely without you here and he won't say anything about it if you do go live with your parents because he wants you happy but he hopes you'll stay." Vaba elbowed her. "All you had to say was yes! Now she's gonna feel like she has to stay here!" Bow smiled a little. "Ok, thanks... I was planning to stay here anyway if you didn't mind, and I guess you don't." Vaba smiled widely. "But Bow," Said Dark, "You should apologize to your parents and at least be on speaking terms with them. Go talk to them as soon as you feel like you can." Bow sighed. "Ok, fine... I will..." 

  Bow sighed and knocked on her parents door. It took a minute for them to answer, but they smiled when they did. "Bow! Hi!" Her mom said. "Hi." Bow said, trying to smile too. "Come on in, we have so much to talk about!" Her dad said. Bow walked in and they led her to the couch. It was hard to be mad at them when they were so enthusiastic and happy to have her there, but she still didn't trust them. "So... Are you going stay?" Her mom asked once they were all seated. "Well... No..." Bow said slowly. "Oh... Why not?" Asked her dad. "Because... Vaba's been so good to me through all this, and he'll be lonely without me. And I um..." Bow trailed off and looked down. "You still don't trust us." Her mom stated quietly. "Not really...." Bow whispered. "Well," Her dad said. "That's our fault isn't it, and so we'll accept that and try our best to earn your trust." Bow smiled a little, if they really were like this everything just might work out... 

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