Chapter 7

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  The next morning Bow was waiting on the school steps, not invisible, waiting for Vaba and Dark to come. In the thick fog that lay over everything she couldn't tell who was coming until they got a few feet away, and was surprised when a shadowy figure jumped out at her. She fell over with a squeak, then looked up to see Dark laughing. "Gotcha!" She said then helped Bow up. Bow laughed. "Yup, you did." "What are you doing sitting on the steps when school is open?" Dark asked. "I was waiting for you and Vaba to get here." "Aw that's nice, who's Vaba though?" Dark had a slight smirk now. "My only other friend, oh there he is now!" Bow recognized Vaba through the haze by the way he was bouncing. Dark looked at him and giggled. "You like him." She said as a fact instead of a question. Bow blushed slightly. "I uh..." Vaba got to the steps. "Hi Bow! And uh Bow's friend?" He said. "Hi!" Bow said, that annoying squeak snuck into her voice as it usually did when Vaba was around. "Hi Vaba, Bow was just talking about you! I'm Darkreign by the way, but you can just call me Dark." Vaba looked a little surprised and said, "Well nice to meet you Dark. Should we um get to class we're gonna be late..." "Oh yeah, let's go! We don't need that, especially Bow." Dark said and started walking inside. Bow followed, silent and a little stunned by all the talking. "Why, what happened with Bow?" Vaba asked, looking a little concerned. Dark grinned at Bow. "Wanna tell him about math class?" Bow giggled a little. She could tell that Dark was dying to tell him, and she was happy they were getting along well. "You can tell him, you're probably better at telling stories anyway." Dark looked excited and started telling the whole story of 666.13. Vaba was grinning as he said to Bow, "Nice one Furball, just don't make it a habit we don't want you in trouble." "Ok, I won't!" Bow promised as they entered the classroom. Dark was in all of Bow's classes, and she sat on the other side of Bow that Vaba wasn't on. For some reason, even though she took others seats, nobody questioned her. 

  They made it a routine to meet up at the front steps every morning and stayed together most of the day. On friday, as they were walking out in the evening, Vaba suggested, "We should meet up this weekend, should we go to someone's house or a resturaunt or something?" "Yeah! Someone's house would be great, would anyone be willing to volenteer their house as meet up spot?" Dark said excitedly. "That uhh won't work for me I don't think..." Bow said quickly, thinking about how she didn't have one, and didn't want to say so. "Same... Even if I said house is best." Dark said. "Well... Um... Same... I guess a resturaunt then? Wait um I can't pay how about the park?" Vaba suggested. "Yes!" Bow and Dark at the same time. "What time is good for you guys?" Bow asked. "I can be there at noon, that's when I'll probably wake up." Vaba said, grinning. "Sure that works for me." Dark replied. "Yup, I'll be there at noon!" Bow said. Park is perfect... I'll be there anyway. "Awesome!" Said Vaba happily. They got to the stairs and said bye, splitting off in different directions. 

  Bow went off to the park and sat on a bench, a different one from last night. It wasn't dark yet, but she didn't feel like walking or getting food tonight. On her way out of school she'd seen a newspaper blowing around, a familiar face on it. The black wolf. "The dangerous prisioner, Rowan Noirson, has escaped. He was found to be a kidnapper and murderer, and has very fixed targets in mind. He was heard talking in his sleep about "That filthy furball and her friend" who apparently were the ones who got him caught. If you or anyone you know may be those people, please report to the station where we will keep you safe until Noirson is found." Bow and Vaba... That's who he was after. Bow wasn't ready to trust the police with her life, she could just turn invisible anyway. But Vaba... She was worried about him. Then she noticed the eyes watching her from a bush.... 

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