Chapter 19

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  "Run Flick!" Bow yelled as Fallen jumped at her. Bow dived to the side, barely getting missed by Fallen's claws. She tried to duck under the table, but Fallen jumped between Bow and the table and began advancing on her. Bow stared at her, terrified, then quickly looked to see if Flick was gone. She was. In that second Bow looked away, Fallen lunged at her. She hit Bow right in the chest and slammed her into the floor. Bow squeaked, then got an idea. She willed herself to turn invisible, and she disappeared. Fallen sunk right through her, looking both confused and angry. She growled and walked around, scanning and sniffing for someone. Bow lay still, breathing heavy and hoping Fallen wouldn't find Vaba. Vaba who was still sleeping, oblivious to all this. He was lucky... Bow silently pulled herself up, even in ghost form, when she couldn't feel hunger or much pain, she felt all bruised up. She watched Fallen scan the room one more time before going back into the bathroom and closing the door. Bow flopped down on the couch and sunk through it, so she got up and turned visible and flopped down on the couch again. She heard the weird voice coming from the bathroom again. They went on for about five minutes, then stopped, and after another five minutes Dark came out. She stopped at the door and looked at the room, which looked like a hurricane went through. "Oh... Um sorry....?" Dark said in small voice and she walked over to Bow. "You ok?" Bow sat up, stiff and painful. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said breathlessly. "Let's clean up before Vaba gets up." Bow suggested and stood up. Dark looked at Bow. "You know, you really don't look good. I'll clean the room, you go look at yourself in the mirror and see what you can do to make yourself look less like a zombie." Dark started cleaning the room, and Bow walked into the bathroom, knowing it was useless to argue. She looked in the mirror and sighed. Dark was being nice by saying she looked like a zombie. She looked like a skeleton covered in fluff, with wide eyes that looked dead tired and dark circles under them. Being invisible was so much easier... She picked up a comb and went to work on her fur, which made her look a little better. All that would really help beside that was food and sleep. Bow walked back out and saw that somehow Dark had cleaned almost everything already. "Almost done!" Dark said happily. "I just don't know how to fix the uh.. Crater in the floor that I uh Fallen made with.. You?" 

  Bow choked down yet another slice of pizza that Dark handed to her, and Vaba didn't help her either. It was only her third slice... Of the second pizza. They were hardcore trying to fatten her up. "That's enough now...?" She said, hoping they'd agree. Dark looked like she was going to argue, but Vaba said, "Ok, but you have to stop skipping meals. And give me the rest of that pizza!" "Ok!" Bow agreed happily. The happiness faded as she heard a voice, the evil insane voice... "Are you coming yet, little sister? Or do I have to increase the pain? Or..." An insane laugh. "Can I bribe you with Mommy?" Bow froze. Mommy? Wasn't she dead? "Bow? You ok?" Vaba asked. "H-he says he has M-mommy..." Bow whispered. "He's lying, just like he was about me. Ignore him." Dark said. Dark is right... Just ignore him... Bow thought. "Oh so you don't care about Mommy? Ok then, holy water it is." Bow's eyes widened and she began to whimper. Vaba jumped up and picked her up. "What is he doing?" He asked. "He's g-getting the holy water..." She whimpered. Dark growled and stood up. "I'm going to kill that guy, even if it's the wrong guy it's worth a try." She ran out of the house. Bow felt the burning in her paws, and she whimpered. Then she heard Dylan yelling. "NO she can't... She found him? No!! Well then little sister I'm just gonna hold your soul over the water and it'll fall in when I'm gone. It'll kill you if it stays in there too long!" The burning slowly left her paws and she knew it was only a matter of time now. "Vaba we have to go over there! He's holding my soul over the water when he's gone it'll fall in and I'll die if it's in there for too long..." Vaba looked scared, and he hurried her to the car. They drove quickly up there, making it in an hour this time. They parked behind a tree, hidden from the house, and watched. Then Bow felt it, she felt like she was drowning in the burning. She couldn't breath. Vaba took one look at her, then jumped out. As he was running he yelled back, "Ghost!" And he disappeared into the house. It took a minute, but she got it. She willed herself invisible again, the pain faded away until it was bearable and she didn't need to breathe. She ran in after Vaba, and stopped short in the doorway. In one end of the room was Dark holding a knife to a not ghost of Dylan, and in the other... Was ghost Dylan holding a knife to Vaba. 

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