Chapter 25

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   A surprise? "What is it?" asked Bow. Vaba put his paws over her eyes and she squeaked in surprise. There were sounds of running feet, then giggling. Vaba took his paws off Bow's eyes, and there, sitting on the couch next to Dark, was Arrow. Bow squeaked and bounced up and down. "Arrow! How did you get here?" Arrow smiled. "Dark brought me over! She'll take me back tomorrow but I'm gonna keep visiting you!" "Yay yay yay!" Bow bounced around until she tripped over something and fell onto the couch between Arrow and Dark. They smirked at each other then started tickling Bow. She squeaked and laughed then slid off the couch. Today was going to be great. 

   Bow walked back into the house, breathless and laughing, with Arrow following. Vaba grinned at them from the couch. "So what was it you two trouble-makers had to do?" Bow giggled and said, "There was a guy out there, Arrow's private teacher. She says he's boring and gives her too much work so we thought we might haunt him!" Dark walked out from the kitchen. "Sounds fun, what kind of haunting did you do?" Arrow explained between laughing, "Bow turned us both invisible and we moved stuff and laughed and all that, then Bow grabbed his pants and they turned invisible!" Then she added, because of the look on Vaba's face, "Don't worry he had underwear on, and he was able to run away so he'll live." They both giggled. Dark laughed and disappeared back into the kitchen, and Vaba just shook his head with a mortified look on his face. "Well remind me to stay on your good side, you're both worse than the actual daughter of Satan..." That sent Bow and Arrow into a fresh giggle fit. Dark reappeared from the kitchen holding two plates full of a tuna casserole. "Here you go, Vaba and I already ate while you two were harrassing the poor guy." She handed them the plates, and despite her remark she obviously thought it was halarious. "Yay tuna!" Arrow squeaked and ate a bite. Bow smiled and began eating it quickly. "Nom nom nom!" "Well that was smart, Dark." Vaba said watching them. "Now you're on their good side!" Bow laughed. "Don't worry Vaba, you're on my good side. You let me live in your house, don't you? Plus..." Bow smirked and whispered in his ear. "I love you." He blushed and whispered, "I love you too." 

  "I'm gonna go see how those- Um your parents are doing." Dark said and the black hole opened up. "Ok, tell them I said hi." Bow said. Arrow looked like she was about to say something but decided against it. Dark nodded and walked into the hole, and both disappeared. "What's she gonna do?" Arrow whispered. "I don't know... But don't worry I asked her not to do anything bad." Bow reassured her. Arrow relaxed. "Ok, thanks. I know they were unfair to you but they're still mommy and daddy I still love them." Bow thought unfair was an understatement, but she didn't say anything about that. "You're welcome." She said. Vaba walked in, he looked worried. "B-bow?" He said quietly. "What is it? What's wrong?" She asked. "There's s-someone here..." Who could be here that scared him that much? "Who is it?" "T-they're here for you..." He whispered. Who could be here for me that scares him that much... That was much easier to answer. "Ok... Arrow, hide somewhere. I'll go see..." Vaba cut her off. "No! They can't see you turn invisible and run." "Ok." If he was this upset, Bow knew she should just listen. She turned invisible and walked to the back of the house, then froze. She saw them out there too. 

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