Chapter 13

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  Bow lay awake, in a bed for the first time she could remember. Vaba was in the room across the hall, and everything was silent. As tired as Bow was, she couldn't sleep. There were too many things running through her mind, and she was also afraid of having another nightmare. She stared at the ceiling, thinking of what she was, what happened to Vaba, her family... Then she sat up quickly. How was she going to get to her house? Steal a car? Or did demon ghosts have any other abilities, like super speed or teleportation? Or... The stupidly simple plan, ask Vaba if she could use his car. Not that she knew how to drive, but... A creak came from the other room, and Bow looked nervously out the door, just  to realize Vaba wasn't asleep either and had gotten up. He looked into Bow's room. "You can't sleep either?" "Nope... Can I ask you something?" "Sure, what is it?" "I found the address to where I used to live last night, but it's 100 miles away. Can I use your car?" Vaba smirked. "You know how to drive?" "Um no..." "Then I'll drive. What's the address?" Bow smiled widely and bounced on the bed a little. "You mean it?! It's 1224 Cresent Avenue, Starlight Grove." "Of course I mean it silly, we'll go first thing tomorrow." Vaba was smiling too. "Yay!!!" Bow squeaked. 

  Bow woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door. Vaba got out of bed and opened it, to find Dark standing there. "Morning guys! Got any plans for today?" She asked. "Yup!" Bow said excitedly. "We're gonna go to see my family!!" She was bouncing up and down now. Dark laughed. "Well, can I come?" "Of course! Well, I think so it's Vaba's car so I guess it's up to him." Vaba grinned. "Nah I was gonna leave you two here and go alone." Bow laughed. "At this point there's no way to stop me!" "I know kitty, you and Dark are both coming! You guys ready to go now?" "Yes!!!" Bow squeaked and Dark nodded excitedly. Then Dark got a weird look on her face. "What's wrong?" Bow asked. "I... Be right back." Dark ran quickly into the bathroom and locked herself in. Bow and Vaba ran over to the door. "Are you ok?" Vaba asked. Dark didn't respond, and they heard a tearing sound and a slightly creepy voice they couldn't understand. "Dark?!" Bow was starting to panic. Vaba ran off somewhere and came back with a key. He unlocked the door and opened it, and they saw Dark... But different. She had big, black feathered wings coming out of her back and her expression looked very different. She turned and stared at them, then growled, "It's not Dark anymore." And slowly advanced on them. Bow froze, and Vaba grabbed her paw and pulled her backward. "Now I'm Fallen." She said in a slightly insane sounding voice. "O-ok Fallen... What do you want?" Vaba asked quietly, pulling Bow behind him. She just grinned and crept nearer. Bow and Vaba were pressed against the wall now, staring at Fallen. Suddenly, she ran back into the bathroom and locked the door again. They heard more of the strange, unintelligable voice and alot of banging, then silence. They didn't try to ask anything else, and slipped into the kitchen. After about ten minutes, they heard the door open and footsteps walking towards them. Then, Dark's voice. "Guys? Did you leave already? I'm sorry about that I can explain!" Bow opened the door a crack and saw Dark, back to normal, in the living room. She motioned to Vaba to come and they went out together. "W-what happened?" Bow asked. Dark turned around and said, "I haven't told you guys this yet... But I'm a demon, angel, fallen angel mix... That happens sometimes, it's kinda my dark side... i should be fine now for a while, if you guys still wanna go?" "We all have a dark side, it seems..." Vaba murmered. "Yeah, it's fine.. Just don't kill us. Let's go now!" 

  After about two hours, they were finally there. Bow stared at the light blue and white house in awe, and jumped out before the car even stopped. But halfway up to the house she stopped. "What's wrong?" Dark asked. Bow didn't move and whispered, "What if they don't remember me?" Vaba came up behind her and took Bow's hand. "Of course they'll remember you!" "Yeah, come on I bet they missed you tons!" Dark took her other hand and they pulled her up to the front door and rung the bell. After a minute, the door opened. To their surprise, they saw nobody there. "Who's there?" A whispery voice asked. "Uhm Bow, I think I used to live here... " Bow said quietly. "BOW?" The voice said louder, and a shadowy figure appeared in the doorway. It was a gray and white spotted cat, the older looking kitten from Bow's memory. "You came back..." He whispered. "I didn't think you would after all those years..." He came closer to Bow and tried to hug her, but floated through her. "I would've came back sooner if I'd known..." She whispered. "Do you remember me?" He asked, looking concerned. "A little... I remember what you look like. But I don't remember anything else..." He looked sad. "Well come on in, I'll remind you of everything. You're friends can come too, if they want." He looked at Vaba and Dark, who had started backing away. "We'll wait in the car, let you guys catch up a little." Said Vaba with a smile, Dark nodding in agreement. "Ok!" Bow waved and walked into the house with her brother. "What do you remember?" He asked after they settled on a couch. "All I remember is the house... How you look, and I had a sister too... right? And Mom and Dad..." "How do you not remember us?..." He looked a little hurt. Bow looked down. "I'm sorry... I got kidnapped and I hit my head and lost all my memories... It took me all these years to remember that much." "Oh... That's what happened?" He got an angry look. "The liar..." He growled. "Who? What did you think happened?" "That isn't important, I'll tell you all about everyone now if you want?" "Yes please!" "Ok, my name is Dylan. I'm your big brother. You had a big sister too, Arrow, she wasn't as old as me though. Then there were Mommy and Daddy, they were very nice and all." "Where are they now?" Bow cut in. "They... Died." Dylan looked down. "Oh... What happened?" Bow asked quietly. "A black wolf... He came in and killed everyone, except me..." "Why not you?" "I was already dead." 

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