Chapter 20

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  Bow stared back and forth beween Vaba, Dark, and the two Dylan's. She had to do something! She glanced quickly around the room, and saw another knife sitting on a table. Next to a glass of water with a cat doll that had a misty lilac glow in it. She knew if she saved herself that Dylan would notice, she would have to stick her paw in it which she knew even in ghost form she would make a noise. Bow made up her mind and walked over, and picked up the knife. It turned invisible as she touched it, and she walked slowly over to Dark and the not ghost Dylan. She knew she had one shot at this, and if she failed... She didn't want to think about that. He better die immediately... Bow took a careful aim, but just as she was about to stab she heard ghost Dylan say, "Oh, my sissy has joined us... I can sense her here... Would be a pity if her boyfriend died because she's selfish and can't just give herself up..." Bow froze. Then she thought, hoping that Dylan couldn't read minds, Dark! I'm going to become visible as soon as he becomes distracted and hopefully when Vaba isn't in danger kill him. Ok? She gave it a minute and walked closer to ghost Dylan. She felt a little shaky now, from fear or the water she couldn't tell. She knew as soon as she wasn't ghost the water would become alot worse. Bow took a deep breath and willed herself to become visible. At once, the pain from the water intensified and Bow had to focus on not passing out. Dylan grinned evilly. "I knew you wouldn't let him die, little sister. Now, just let me possess you and everyone will walk out unharmed!" Bow took deep breaths, she still felt like she was drowning and was about to faint. "L-let Vaba go... And then I-I'll let you..." She muttered. Dylan laughed in an insane way. "Once you pass out you won't be able to stop me." Bow thought quickly. "A-are you really going to possess me while I'm hurting from the water? Won't that hurt you too?" He hesitated, thinking about that. "Vaba, you go get her soul out of the water." Dylan commanded and pushed Vaba towards the table. At that moment Dark stabbed the other Dylan in the head and he fell over. Ghost Dylan fell over too, glaring at Bow and Dark. "You... Little..." He growled them puffed out of exsistance. Bow almost immediately sank down to the floor and whimpered. She felt the burning and drowning feelings stop, and looked over at the table where she saw Vaba had taken the cat doll out of the water. She breathed a deep sigh of relief and just lay there, happy that it was over. Dark came over to Bow. "Hey, quick question? Can I summon my dad here and ask him to take special care of Dylan?" Bow looked up, confused. "Who's your dad? And yeah if you're gonna make him suffer go ahead." She closed her eyes, she still felt weak. "My dad is Satan, he can definetely make Dylan suffer." Bow could hear the grin in her voice. Bow smiled. "You're the princess of Hell... Nice, go ahead and summon your dad." "Yes!" Bow heard Dark's footsteps running up some stairs. Vaba came over and picked Bow up. "You ok kitten?" He asked. "Yup..." Bow whispered. He started singing to her and she fell asleep, purring happily. 

  "Bow wake up! Bow? Come on you're gonna love this!" Dark was yelling excitedly. Bow drowsily opened her eyes. "What?" She said tiredly. She still felt all achy and so tired she felt like she could hardly keep her eyes open. Dark waved some papers in Bow's face. "These say your family moved! They aren't dead! Except Dylan, good riddance to him... But they're still out there! This was Arrow's diary she wrote about you alot, this last page, "I'm moving now, but I'll leave this diary here in case my sister comes back. I won't say the address, in case someone other than her finds this, but I'll give hints. The place I broke my paw, with your help. Your secret hideout, and yes I knew about that. And your least favorite number plus ten. It isn't far, just hard to find. Love you furball!" Aw that's so sweet, but now you've gotta remember stuff!" Bow felt more awake now. "They're alive? They remembered me?" She squeaked. Dark laughed. "Yup! Vaba and I are gonna help you find them, whenever he gets back. He wanted to check the other rooms, see what else might be there." Bow smiled. "Thanks!" She was purring loudly. "Oh, and my dad says Dylan will get his personal attention." Dark giggled. "And he's my new toy, I think he'll make a nice chewy toy, or a punching bag!" Bow smiled bigger. "Yay! I'm glad I'm not him." "Yeah, you should be! I think I'll let him meet Fallen too..." Bow laughed. "Great idea!" Dark laughed too. "Ok, now go to sleep. You look like a half-dead zombie now." "Ok, I'm sleeping now!" Bow smiled and closed her eyes, falling asleep almost immeditaly. 

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