Chapter 17

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  Bow ran into Vaba's room and shook him awake. "H-he has Dark!" She squeaked. "But how? She wasn't anywhere near there! He's probably just tricking you to get you to go to him..." But Vaba still looked worried, and Bow wasn't convinced. "But what if he does have her?" Bow whispered. Vaba sighed. "We'll find a way to figure out, I promise. Just don't go over there, promise you won't!" Bow looked down. "Ok, I won't, I promise." He looked relieved. Then there was a knock on the door. They jumped up and ran to the door, hoping it was Dark. They flung it open, but it wasn't Dark standing there. There was a white fox-looking girl there, with green ears and pink hair. "Hi!" She said. "I'm Flick, supposedly I'm selling cookies," She paused and held up a single box of cookies. "But I only have one left and nobody wants it so I give up I'm giving it away, you want it?" "Uh sure." Vaba said. Flick handed him the box. "You guys look upset, what's wrong?" She asked. "It's uh a long story?" Bow said hesitantly. "Well, I wanna help I have nothing else to do, I don't really want to go home and watch my brothers." "Hm ok I can understand the brothers thing..." Bow said. She looked up at Vaba. "We did need someone to help us, that Dylan doesn't know, right?" "Yeah..." He replied. "But can we really send someone else in there?" Flick was looking interested, confused, and excited. Bow sighed. "He only wants me, as long as he has no idea I know her we're all good." "Who are you guys talking about?" Flick asked. "Dylan, he's my demon ghost brother who wants to possess my body so he'll be super powerful and never die. He might've kidnapped my friend and he'll kill her if he does have her... But neither of us can go over there..." Bow explained. Then Bow heard laughing, the crazy, evil laugh. "I can hear you little sister, don't you send anyone over or else..." Bow felt as if she got stabbed in the stomach and doubled over with a hiss. Vaba picked her up, concerned. "What happened kitty? Are you ok?" "He did it..." She whispered. "But he doesn't have Dark... He doesn't want anyone over there... If he had her he wouldn't care who came he'd just take them too but he doesn't..." She heard an angry growl and Dylan yelling in frustration. Flick was staring at Bow. "How do you know that stuff? I didn't hear anyone." "He talks in my head." At the look Flick gave her she added, "And no I'm not insane." Then more from Dylan, "You're gonna be insane by the time I'm done with you, you smart-mouth, plan ruining, idiot!" Bow heard a cracking noise and her right paw began stinging and burning. She whined. Vaba looked down at her, and, expecting the worst, said to Flick, "She uh needs some time I think if you want you can come back tomorrow and thanks for the help now we know our friend is safe." "You're welcome! See you tomorrow and good luck with your brother." Flick said. She looked scared and excited as she walked away. Vaba brought Bow inside and layed her down on her bed. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I'll be fine, he's just really mad..." 

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