Chapter 16

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  Bow woke up and looked around in confusion at the clean white walls of the room she was in. She spotted Dark sitting in a chair beside her, typing quickly on a laptop. Bow tried to sit up, just to find that her paws were tied down. She growled, part of anger and part of fear. Dark looked up quickly. "Hey Bow, how are you feeling?" "Why am I tied down?!" Bow was starting to freak out. "It's for your safety, I told them you'd be fine without that but they didn't listen. You kinda looked crazy when Vaba brought you in, even in your sleep you were yelling at Dylan and after you'd knocked yourself out... Well, it looked pretty bad." Bow sighed and stared at the ceiling. She had to get out of here... And where was Vaba? "Where is Vaba?" Dark looked down awkwardly and said nothing. Now Bow was getting scared. "Where is he?!" She demanded. "He's... In another room." Dark said evasively. "Why?" Bow asked, trying to sound calm. "He uh... You... He picked you up and you thought he was Dylan... and yeah..." Bow felt a cold chill pass through her. What had she done? She started to cry. "What did I do to him?" She whispered. "You uh... You wanna go see him?" "O-ok..." Bow was scared and mad at herself now. Dark got up and untied Bow's paws and helped her up. They walked three rooms down the hall, then Dark opened a door, #371. Bow hesitantely walked in, and whimpered as she saw Vaba. He was asleep, and had a big bandage, partly red, on his neck. He had similar bandages on his arms. Bow slowly walked over to him, "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." She whispered. His lips moved, and Bow leaned closer to hear him. "Kitten... I love you..." He said then went silent. Bow started crying again. "I love you too..." She whispered. She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped. she saw it was a nurse. "He'll live." The nurse said, then she took a closer look at Bow. "Wait, you're.." Her eyes widened. Bow ran out of the room and pushed past Dark, and as soon as she didn't see anyone else around she turned invisible. 

   Bow spent the rest of the week sitting invisibly in Vaba's room, not daring to turn visible again. Vaba seemed to get better, and to Bow's surprise he asked for her alot. When nobody was in the room she'd go over to him and hold his hand and talk to him. She felt horrible though, for doing that to him. Each day she started hating herself more. After a week, Vaba was well enough to go home. Bow snuck into the passenger seat of his car, and when he pulled into his driveway she turned visible. He jumped, surprised, then smiled. "Kitten! You're ok! You don't look so good though..." Bow got tears in her eyes again. "But are you ok? I'm sorry I'm so so sorry...." "It's ok, I promise. I'm ok. You didn't mean to it's ok." Bow burst into tears and jumped out of the car, then she turned ghost just long enough to jump through the door. For most of the week she hadn't even heard Dylan for some reason, but now he was getting through again. She just tried her best to ignore him, and tried to pull herself together before Vaba got in. He took a few minutes, then the door opened and he came in. "Bow? Guess what?" Bow slowly walked over. "What?" Vaba smiled. "There's my furball! Dark was just here, she might've found the guy with Dylan's body. She's gonna make sure it's him then kill him. Dylan will be gone!" Bow smiled, even through her sadness. "Really? He's gonna be gone?!" "Yup!" Vaba pulled her in for a hug, wincing from the scratches on his arms, but still hugging tightly. Bow hugged him back, happy for the first time. 

  "Come on little sister, you don't wanna hurt anyone else do you? What are you gonna do when you're as crazy as they all think? Just come on over, then this'll all be over." Dylan was talking nonstop now, as Bow lay in bed trying to sleep. "Will you come to save your friend?" There was an evil laugh in his voice now. "What?" Bow whispered. The laughing returned and he said, "I'll show you." Bow felt a lurch and she was back in the house, staring at Dark in a cage made of the holy water. Then she was back in bed, gasping and terrified. 

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