Chapter 15

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     "Come back, come back, little sister... Bring me to life! I stopped the pain, now come back!" Bow woke up to the voice of Dylan. "Noo..." She moaned and opened her eyes. Vaba was standing over her, a look of worry on his face. "What's wrong? Are you ok? What are you saying no to?" He asked. Before Bow could respond, the voice returned. "Come back! Help me! I'll drop more holy water in, do you want that?" She whimpered and said, "Make him stop talking to me... He's still talking... He wants me to come back..." Vaba looked concerned. "I don't hear anything... Are you ok?" The voice continued, even though Bow tried to block it out. "I don't hurt anymore... I think I'm ok... But he is talking to me, he says he'll do it again if I don't come back!" Bow said, her voice getting more squeaky with each word. Vaba hugged her. "It's ok kitten... I won't let him hurt you... We can ask Dark about it tomorrow maybe she can help. She had to go though, said her dad wanted her for some reason she couldn't say..." "O-ok..." Bow whimpered, unsure that anyone could protect her. Dylan's voice was still talking, threatening, trying to convince her to come back. Bow snapped. "Go away! Shut up!" She screamed. Vaba jumped back, startled, but Dylan just kept talking. "Not you Vaba, you stay... Please... I'm talking to Dylan..." Vaba looked very concerned now, he probably thought she was insane... "I won't go away or shut up until you come back. And your boyfriend can't protect you, nobody can! Just come back..." Bow whimpered and buried her face in her paws. This was hopeless! She felt Vaba's warm, furry arms wrap around her and pick her up. Somehow that made her feel better, and the voice faded a little. Bow started to purr a little. "That's it kitten, just relax..." He began singing to her quietly. "My little kitten don't think of words, just curl up and make yourself happy... I love you and will always do, you have me and I have you, my little kitten." Dylan was almost completely gone now, and Bow snuggled closer and fell asleep, purring happily. 

    Bow woke up in the night, vaguely aware that she was alone now. Dylan wasn't talking to her anymore, for now at least. She realized how hungry she was, and that she hadn't eaten for at least a whole day, so she got up and went into the kitchen. Bow opened the fridge door and looked inside, picking out a can of tuna to eat. She opened it and ate one, then gobbled down the rest in one bite. Bow was still hungry, but felt like she was stealing even though she knew Vaba wouldn't mind, so she went back to bed. Then Dylan started talking again. "You know what Voodoo Dolls are, right? Well I made one for you, you loved dolls you know. I put your soul into it, little sister. You know what I can do to you now?" A sharp pain shot through Bow's stomach, making her gasp. Then it disappeared and Bow went blind. She whimpered in fear, desperately groping for the doorframe so she could get to Vaba. Her vision returned, and then one of her paws went numb and she fell down with a squeak that she couldn't hear. She saw Vaba run in and say something, but she couldn't hear him. She screamed, still unable to hear it, then all she heard was Dylan laughing. Desperate and terrified, Bow grabbed the nearest thing, a lamp, and banged herself in the head until she passed out. Her hearing came back just before she fell unconcious, and she heard Vaba trying to calm her down and then calling an ambulance. Bow felt a small twinge of guilt before slipping into the darkness. 

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