Chapter 27

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  Bow turned around and saw a fiery red wolf standing behind them. He was huge, and the tips of his fur looked like they were actually on fire. He grinned at the terrified look on Bow's face. "Haven't met me before, I take it? Well my little princess probably should've warned you better." He laughed again. Dark sighed and rolled her eyes. "Come on Father, we both know you ARE scared of me, and that's reason enough Bow shouldn't be scared of you, she isn't scared of me anyways." Bow glanced at Dark, if that was true then she would be fine. Before Satan could respond, Dark grabbed Bow's paw and pulled her away. "We should go back to the mortal world, Hell time is different than Earth time so we've been gone three hours here but about a day and a half there. You're friends will be getting worried." "Ok." Bow said. She could feel Satan's stare burning into her back and was happy to get away from him. A black hole opened in front of them and Dark pulled Bow through. Bow felt like she was spinning and falling at the same time before landing hard on the ground in the trees behind her parent's house. She saw Vaba and Arrow sitting on the couch through a window, and the warm feeling seeped out of Bow. She looked down at her paws, they didn't look shadowed anymore. She must be back to normal. Dark laughed and pulled Bow to her feet, she was normal too now. "The portal is always like that at first, you'll get used to it if you end up learning how to use them regularly. Now turn invisible and get in there before those two go crazy!" Dark said. "Ok." Bow said, still shaken. "Thanks by the way, for saving me." Dark smiled. "Yeah, no problem. Now GO!" "Ok ok." Bow laughed and turned invisible. She walked through the wall and to behind Vaba and Arrow. They were just sitting in silence. "Boo!" She whispered in their ears. They both made a squeaky noise and jumped up. Vaba tripped over his feet and fell over, and Arrow ran across the room. "Bow?!" Vaba asked in surprise. "Yup!" Bow said, but stayed invisible. Arrow came back to the couch. "What happened?" Arrow squeaked, wide eyed. "You looked and sounded so scary, even for a demon!" Bow laughed. "Oh, I'm nothing compared to Satan." Vaba stared at where her voice was coming from, mouth hanging open. "You... Met... Satan?!" He whispered in a scared voice. He sat down on the couch again. "Just start from as soon as we ran and tell us everything..." Arrow said in a squeakier voice than before. "Ok," Bow began. "When you ran I ran the opposite way. Those people stopped me with a ton of holy water. When I went unconcious from that Dark, Fallen actually, opened a black hole to Hell under me. I fell through and woke up there, then Satan showed up. He was so scary... He was a huge red wolf, and his fur was on fire! I can't explain it but something about him was just terrifying... Anyways, Dark brought me back into the backyard through another black hole." Vaba's and Arrow's eyes were huge. "Oh... My... Wow..." Vaba whispered. Then Arrow squeaked. "Bow get out now Mom and Dad are gonna be home in a minute they got ghost detectors!" "Ok." Bow said quietly, trying to blink the tears out her eyes that came at the mention of her parents. "Is your home safe yet Vaba?" She asked, annoyed at the sadness she could hear in her voice. "Not quite, let's meet at the park. At that bench that we... Yeah." He said and started blushing a bit. "Ok." Bow whispered, barely audible. She ran out the wall and heard a door opening at the front of the house. She ran faster and stopped trying to hold back her tears. Bow kept running until she reached the park, then slowed to a walk and turned visible again. She walked towards the bench where Vaba had asked her out, but stopped short and gasped when she saw who was already there. 

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