Chapter 14

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"You... Died? When? How?" Bow asked Dylan, shocked. "Well, technacally I wasn't dead and I'm still not. I'm just unable to use my body so I'm just a ghost. I'll disappear as soon as my body dies though..." "H-how'd that happen though?" "It's a long story. I'll tell you, but don't say a word until I'm done." "Ok, I'll be silent!" Bow promised. "Ok, so there are grim reapers, the guys who take everyone's soul when they die. Well the cat part of you died but the demon part didn't, so you would've been stuck in between life and death for pretty much forever. The grim reaper who was there for you got upset because he couldn't get your whole soul, and was pretty much stuck watching you until you fully died. When grim reapers are angry, they can cause mass deaths by accident, and so between that and that you'd be trapped indefinetely I made a bargain with the reaper. They used to be alive too, but they're stuck with their job and some don't like it. This one didn't like it, so I told him if he'd give the cat part back to you I'd let him possess my body. He agreed, so now you're alive mostly and I'm... Kind of alive. The thing is I never know when I'll die." Her brother had done that? Partly for her? "Wow... That's.... Just wow. You really cared about me that much?" Bow wasn't sure exactly what to say to him. "Yeah, of course. You're my little sister. There is one complication though..." Dylan had a weird look on his face now, it looked... Evil almost. "W-what is that?" Bow asked hesitantly. "Since I basically gave my life for yours... You owe me. It's part of the deal." Dylan was grinning now, and he pulled a small bottle full of a misty lilac colored mist of out of pocket. "This," He said. "Is a piece of your soul. With this, I can do whatever I want to do to you. So if you don't do what I want, I can make you." Bow was staring at him in horror, he was changing. His blue eyes turned red, and he looked as if he were surrounded in shadows. He seemed to be growing larger too and the room went cold. His grin widened, and as he moved closer to Bow she tried to run, but found that she couldn't move. She paniced, then got an idea. She thought as clearly as she could, Dark! Help me help me help me! Please! Dylan said in an insane voice, "I want YOU, I want your body. If I have it I'll never die, not with both of our demon combined." He began to laugh manically. Bow heard a banging on the door, and then it broke down. Bow was able to move again, and she ran to the door where Dark and Vaba were standing, open-mouthed and staring at Dylan. His grin was gone now. "Oh, I wouldn't leave if I were you little sister..." He pulled out a small bottle of water. Dark gasped and backed up. Dylan laughed. "Ah well someone knows what this is... And what'll happen if I, I don't know, put a drop in with this bit of her soul?" Everyone was silent out of fear, even though Dark was the only one who knew what was going on.  "Don't you dare..." Dark whispered. "Well she better come back and give herself up then." Dylan grinned. Bow didn't move, and Dylan uncorked the bottle of water and moved it towards the bottle with Bow's soul. As if in slow motion, he dropped a tiny drop into the bottle, and the second it touched the lilac mist Bow felt a burning fire rush through her body. She whimpered and collapsed, her vision blurring under the pain. In a haze, she heard laughing and yelling and felt strong arms under her, picking her up and carrying her away. She hurt too much to care, and watched everything blur into a black haze as she fell unconcious. 

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