Chapter 2

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  Bow woke up to a throbbing in her head. She lay there, trying to remember where she was. She couldn't remember anywhere cool, dark, and dusty. Bow opened her eyes and looked around. In the dark, Bow could make out wooden walls with the paint peeling off, no windows, and only one door. She couldn't remember anywhere like this... Only, she couldn't remember anywhere. All she knew was that this wasn't home. Bow sat up, stiff and sore, and her head hurt still. She shakily walked over to the door and tried the knob, but it was locked. She sat back down and tried to remember something. My name is... I don't know. How old am I? Um.. Dunno that either... She gave up and just sat there until she heard footsteps coming her way. Bow got a feeling that the footsteps weren't good, then a memory came back. Being pulled out of the tree, the black wolf, getting hit in the head. She froze in fear as the footsteps came closer, and even though she knew it was useless, Bow willed herself to be invisible. There was nowhere to hide, so that was all she could do. The door slowly opened, and Bow saw the black wolf from her only memory. He had a look of shock and confusion on his face though. "Where'd she go?" He growled under his breath. He can't see me... Bow realized. I AM invisible? She watched, staying perfectly still, as he walked into the room and looked around. "Little kitty? Bow, that's your name isn't it? Furball? Where are you?" My name is Bow, ok I know that now.  She watched him until he was in a corner, looking away from her. Then Bow ran out of the room as quietly as she could and down hallway after hallway until she found a window. She put her paws on the bottom and jumped a little when she couldn't see them, but felt them there so she knew they were there. She pushed the window up, and it opened with a loud squeak. Bow cringed and stood still, listening. Footsteps were coming her way. She dove out the window, thankful that she was on the first floor. She felt grass under her and looked down, she was able to the grass pushed down as if under glass. Then Bow remembered she was escaping, and she ran into the woods. Are these the woods where I was kidnapped? She wondered. Bow felt a natural ease while running through the woods, though now that the adrenaline rush from escaping was leaving the pounding in her head was returning. She whimpered slightly but kept going straight, hoping to find a town or even a house. Towards the evening, when it was starting to get dark, Bow saw a light and heard a roaring, rushing noise. Wonder what that is... She headed towards it, and saw a road. Road leads to town, doesn't it! Even though she was tired, Bow started running by the side of the road and in five minutes she reached a house. She walked over and was about to knock on the door when she noticed her paws still weren't visible. How do I get uninvisible? Bow thought about being visible, but still she didn't appear. She thought about how hungry she was, and willed herself to be visible for food. A fluffy, white paw appeared in front of her, and she looked down to see herself very dirty but visible. She knocked on the door, and a fox opened the door. "Hello? Oh, what do you want?" The fox looked slightly annoyed and resentful. "I'm hungry... C-can I just have something to eat please?" Bow whispered and cowered a bit under the fox's  stare. "Sorry hon, I don't feed beggars." And the door was closed in her face. Bow's ears drooped. "But I'm not a beggar..." She muttered and turned away. That was when the door opened again. Bow turned around. Another fox, just a little older than her, was in the door. "She doesn't feed anyone, but I do!" He giggled and stuck out a bag. Bow took it and smiled. "Thanks!" "No problem." He looked behind himself. "Oops she's coming bye!" The door closed again. Bow went to the woods by the road and sat on a stump, and opened the bag. A slice of bread with a piece of meat on it was in there. Bow ate it happily then sat and thought about what next. A bright light distracted her, and a small, black car pulled over beside Bow. One of the front doors opened... 

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