Chapter 31

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  Bow was shaken awake, but it was too dark for her to see anything. "B-bow!" Vaba whispered. "What?" Bow asked groggoly. "T-there's a phone call f-for you..." He handed her the phone. She took it and put it up to her ear. "Hello?" She said. "Hello." The voice on the other end of the phone made Bow squeak and drop the phone. She picked it back up. "How did you get out of Hell?" There was an evil laugh. "I'm a demon too, and that friend of yours isn't always with me. Escaping is no big problem, especially when Satan happens to think that I'm very bad and he likes that. Now... For what I want!"  "W-what d-do you w-want?" Bow whispered. "Well there's alot that I want. And we're gonna meet up to talk about it." "No. I'm never going near you again." "Oh well, you might regret that... I might have, hm... Your sister?" No... He couldn't! "Prove it." She whispered. "Ok then." There was a thumping sound like someone getting kicked, then a squeaky voice, "Ow! You just wait until Bow and her friends find us, you evil little-" Her voice faded away. Bow froze, unable to respond. "You'll meet me at the park tomorrow at midnight, or Arrow gets it. Ok, little sister?" He hung up. 

  Bow sat on her bed, staring at the clock. 11:45. She silently got on and dropped a note on the kitchen table as she passed. She opened the door slowly, it creaked loudly. She froze and looked back towards Vaba's room. His head popped out of the doorway. "No. Just no." He said. "But I can't leave Arrow with him!" Vaba gave her a pleading look. "We'll get her back, I promise. Just please... Don't go. All that'll happen is you'll be gone and Dylan can do whatever he wants..." Bow sighed, sat down, and covered her face. Sometimes she thought it'd be easier if Dark hadn't saved her... Then she stood up again. "I'm going, I have to." She said firmly. Vaba sighed sadly. "Then I'm coming with you." "No. You stay safe." "I'm coming. If you try to stop me I'll call Dark and make her stop you." Bow growled but didn't argue further. "Fine!" She snapped and walked out. Vaba followed her, staying close by her side. When they reached the park, they saw Dylan immediately. Arrow was beside him, her paws tied to the bench. Bow stopped and turned invisible before Dylan could see her and pulled Vaba into the trees. "I'm gonna go try and attack Dylan and get Arrow free, you stay safe and I guess help me if I'm about to die." Bow walked silently towards Dylan and stopped behind him. She guessed that when he didn't have her soul he couldn't sense her there. Bow got ready, then turned visible and grabbed Dylan's neck and squeezed. It was unlikely she could kill him that way, but at least it might weaken him or knock him out. He choked a little and tried to pull her paws off him, then realized he couldn't and pulled a knife out of his pocket. Bow switched to headlocking him with one arm and tried to grab the knife with the other. She saw Vaba untying Arrow out of the corner of her eye. A sharp pain flashed through her paw and she saw she'd grabbed the wrong side. She hissed as Dylan noticed and pushed it deeper into her paw. Bow felt the angry heat that meant she'd turned demon, and yanked the knife away, ignoring the pain. It flew into the bushes, and Bow tackled Dylan. He went limp, and Bow relaxed a little, thinking he was unconcious. Then he kicked up hard, hitting Bow in the stomach and flinging her off. He pinned her to the ground and grinned. "Who's winning now, little si-" He never got to finish because of the ton of water that dumped on them. 

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