Chapter 8

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  Bow stared at the glowing eyes staring at her out of the bush, frozen in fear. They blinked slowly at her, then moved closer. Bow got up slowly and backed away, hoping they wouldn't follow. But they did. As they got closer, Bow saw they belonged to a black wolf. She made a low whimpering noise and turned invisible, then ran. The wolf lunged at her, but missed. Bow was sure it'd touched her, but she hadn't felt anything. She kept running and looked behind her, just to trip over her paws. As she fell, Bow turned visible for some reason. The black wolf pounced on her, and then... Started giggling. "Gotcha again!" Bow growled and pushed Dark off. "What are you doing here? It's late..." Dark smirked. "I was following you, because I'm a creepy stalker and I wanted to know where you live! That, and I wanted to know why you're so skinny, you're literally skin and bones, and always wear the same clothes and all." "I... Don't wanna talk about that?" "No need, I know all I need to know now. How long have you been able to turn invisible?" Oh awesome now secrets were out... What if she tells someone, would everyone still like her? Or would she get teased and have no friends? "I don't know, at least since five. Please don't tell anyone!" "Oh alright, it's a secret. If it makes you feel better I'll tell you mine and if I tell you tell. You're really over-reacting though, at least in your head." "O-ok, but how do you know I'm over-reacting in my head?" Dark grinned. "That's my secret, I can read minds." Oh no... She knows everything?! Dark laughed. "Yup I know everything, and by the way Vaba likes you alot too." Bow couldn't help but smile. YES!! Then a question popped into Bow's mind. "If you already knew, why'd you follow me?" "Because I was gonna try and help you, but unless you want Vaba to know all this now is the best time." Help? How? With what? "Finding your family, silly! Maybe I can help, what's your earliest memory?" Earliest memory... Getting pulled out of the tree by a big black wolf. "Oh well no wonder you have trust issues! You're earliest memories are of being kidnapped and you've been alone ever since. Unless stalking Vaba counts." She laughed. Bow giggled too at that. "Ok, now try to remember." Dark said more seriously. "Why were you sleeping in a tree?" Why... Bow closed her eyes and tried to remember. I was sleeping in a tree... In the woods... Because... Then something flashed through her mind too quickly for her to grasp. She opened her eyes and looked at Dark. "Did you get that?" Dark was looking thoughtful. "Yes, you were upset about something and ran off to be alone. Try to remember what you were upset about." Bow thought about it, being upset... Because... Then a scene popped into her mind. A completely gray kitten lying on the ground, a swollen paw. Two grown up cats and another kitten, older, running from a light blue and white house. Then she forgot the rest. Bow closed her eyes and whispered. "I do have a family..." Dark looked happy. "We can definetly work with that! Come on let's go to the library, there are computers there we can look up some stuff!" And Dark pulled Bow up and ran with her towards the library. But as they ran, Bow thought she saw a black figure disappear into the shadows from the corner of her eye.... 

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