Chapter 23

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  "Our parents?" Bow squeaked. "Yup! Come on let's go see them!" Arrow grabbed Bow's paw and drug her into the hall in front of the door. There were her mom and dad, almost exactly the same as in her memory. They looked up in surprise when Bow followed Arrow into the hall. "Who's this?" Her mom asked. "It's Bow!! She finally came back!" Arrow squeaked. Bow was too happy to speak, she just stood there and smiled. "Oh, Bow? Welcome back sweetie." Her dad said in an odd tone. "How about you show her to the guest room Arrow, she looks tired. Then come back I- we have to talk to you." Said her mom in the same tone. Bow's smile faded a little, weren't they excited to see her? Hadn't they missed her? By the look on Arrow's face she thought the same, but obeyed and brought Bow to the guest room. It was nice but plain. Bow looked out the window and saw Dark and Vaba walking back to the car looking annoyed. She turned invisible and walked through the wall and appeared in front of them. "Bow? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in there?" Dark asked. "Yeah, but I just wanted to give you guys a hug and say thanks. I'm only here because you guys anyway." She hugged them both. "Oh you're welcome kitty, just promise you'll come visit me!" Vaba said, hugging her back. "Yeah, don't make me break into your room to see you every day." Dark said with a smirk. "I'll come around, promise." Bow said. "Now go home kitten, see you later." Vaba said. Bow smiled and hugged them again, then turned invisible and ran back to the house. As she was running into her room, she heard voices in the living room. "....She isn't!" "You don't know........Not safe!" Bow couldn't help but go see what it was they were talking about. "Ghosts are dangerous, demons are dangerous, but both?" Her dad said. Her mom gave him a glare that he didn't see, she must be the demon parent. Arrow rolled her eyes. "If she wanted me dead she had plenty of time." "It might not be you, and it might not be 'she' either." Her mom said. "What?!" Arrow squeaked loudly. "Shh! We don't want anyone hearing. It might be Dylan, he's a great liar. If he was after Bow maybe he did get her, and now he might want one of us, or maybe all of us." Did they really think she was Dylan? "Well then let's test her," Arrow said, putting emphasis on her, "And make her prove it isn't Dylan." Bow loved her sister so much right now. Her parents gave an exasperated sigh. "There is no way to prove that!" Her dad growled. Arrow looked down and didn't respond. "We'll have to give her over a special police, they know how to handle ghosts and demons. They have um... Ways, to know who it is." Her mom said.  Arrow looked up. "What 'ways'?" She demanded. Her parents exchanged a look. "A special kind of water." Her mom said shortly. Bow held in a gasp and tried not to cry. Would they really hand her over to someone to be torchered by holy water for who knows how long until they believed she wasn't Dylan? Arrow gasped. "She told me what holy water did to her, you are not doing that to her again!" She shrieked. Bow had heard enough. She floated back through the wall and found a piece of paper and a pen. She wrote, "I'm sorry you don't believe me. I'll just leave, and you won't have to bother with me anymore. I'll never forget what I do remember about you. I love you Arrow, you're a great sister. Bye... Your daughter and sister, if you still want me, Bow." She left the note, which she noticed as it became visible after leaving her hands, was wet with tears. She drifted sadly through the wall and aimlessly walked away. 

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