Chapter 30

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  Bow stepped off the roof and closed her eyes as she felt herself falling. Seemingly in the distance, drowned out by the wind, she heard Vaba yelling. She opened her eyes briefly and saw, to her horror, that he had jumped too. Bow closed her eyes again, and suddenly felt like she was spinning rapidly. Then she landed with a soft thump, and felt something land on her. How was she not dead? That was a huge building, and there was a road at the bottom. She heard a groan and opened her eyes to see Vaba lying on top of her. The hot firey depths of Hell burned around them, and the fear that had been deep inside when she was a demon was much clearer now. "A-are you o-ok?" Bow whispered shakily. Vaba opened his eyes and looked at her. "I'm scared out of my mind kitten. Never do that to me again. But yeah I guess I'm ok..." "I'm sorry..." Bow whimpered. They heard an angry voice above them. "What were you thinking Bow, you little idiot! Why the heck would you go jump off a building? What if I hadn't been there to open that portal?" Bow looked up at Dark, and Vaba slid off her. "I-I don't know... Maybe that I don't know who I can trust, and even when I do I feel bad for disrupting your lives continually..." Bow whispered and looked down. Dark growled menacingly. "You ever do that again, and I'm gonna stick you with your brother and treat you the same as him!" Bow scooted backward, fear piling on what was already there. Vaba grabbed her paw and squeezed it gently. Then Dark turned on Vaba. "And you! How, why did you let her do that and what in the world made you think it was a good idea to do it too? Heck I'm tempted to set you both on fire until you can think right!" Vaba and Bow sat in silence, terrified. Then a huge red wolf appeared behind Dark. He pointed at Bow. "You're trouble, you are. I thought I was the only one who could make her this angry." Dark was still ranting, ignoring her dad. Vaba had turned extremely pale and had Bow's paw in a painful grasp. "Hush princess." Satan sighed and covered Dark's mouth. She bit him and said something in another language, that strangely Bow could understand even though she'd never heard it. "Leave Father! Before I get mad at the both of you!" Satan got a weird look on his face and disappeared. Bow had no feeling in her paw now. "D-dark can we go home now?" Bow asked in the quietest voice she had. Dark scowled. "Fine! But anything else like that and I swear, this will be your home!" She pointed to a river of lava. Bow nodded quickly. A black hole opened in front of them and Bow drug Vaba in. The stepped through, and once again felt like they were spinning and falling, then landed on the floor in Vaba's house. 

  Bow lay in bed, but she couldn't sleep. Too many things had happened, she was both scared and sad. And probably still high on adrenilene. The memories of falling, watching Vaba jump after her, and Satan's laugh, were stuck in her head. After an hour or two of laying in bed with her thoughts, she got up and walked into Vaba's room. "Vaba? Are you awake?" She whispered quietly. He rolled over and looked at her. "Yes." "Ok, I can't sleep." "Me neither, too many thoughts." "Me too... Thoughts suck. What's bothering you?" Vaba was silent for a moment, then he got up, picked up Bow, and set her down in his bed next to him. "I can't stop thinking about you... You falling... And also Satan, he's almost as terrifying as watching you fall..." He whispered. Bow hugged him tightly. "I was thinking about the same things... You jumping after me... I-I'm sorry..." Tears started dripping down her face. "What are you sorry for?" Vaba asked. "Isn't it obvious? For not believing you, for almost dying, for almost killing you too, for being selfish, for dragging you into my mess..." Vaba looked her in the eyes and smiled a little. "Kitten... How could I be mad at you for that? Just think of all you've been through... I'm surprised you trusted me at all to begin with, nevermind after everyone but Arrow betrayed you. I can't blame you for questioning everything, and I love you your mess is my mess." Bow burst into tears and hugged Vaba tighter. He hugged her back and started singing. Bow calmed down and went to sleep to the sound of his voice. 

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