Chapter 10

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   Bow held on to the wolf's neck, choking him. In one of the empty windows Bow saw her reflection, but it wasn't her. The cat in the reflection had glowing yellow eyes, and was very dark gray, but Bow had purple eyes and was light gray and white. Still, even through her surprise, Bow held on as the wolf started to get dizzy and then passed out. She probably would've killed him, but then Vaba heard the commotion and came outside. He stopped at the door. "B-bow? You... W-what happened? Why do you look... D-different?" As Bow stared at Vaba and tried to think of what to say, she felt the anger drain away and in the window she slowly returned to normal. "I.. He was going to kill you..." Bow murmered and let go of his neck. He was still alive, but just barely. "B-but what happened to you? S-since when do you change appearance and try to kill people, even if it's to save someone?" "I don't know... Now is the first time, I think. I... Sorry, I just couldn't let him kill you then I got so angry I couldn't control myself..." Bow trailed off and felt tears in her eyes. "Hey furball, don't cry... You just kinda scared me, it's ok." Vaba walked over to Bow and gave her a hug. "Now let's call the police on this guy and tell them to be more careful, that sound good?" He suggested. "Yeah, ok." Vaba got up and walked inside, and came out a minute later. "Did it! Come on, you probably don't wanna talk to them, do you? You can sit in my room until they're gone." Bow nodded, and she stood up and walked into Vaba's house with him. It was completely dark, and all Bow could make out was that there was no furniture except a small table or something against one wall. She was led into a small, clean bedroom with a bed, desk, and chest in it. Bow sat on the bed as Vaba went back out, and listened to the sirens getting nearer. Then flashing lights cut through the darkness, and even through the sirens Bow could hear the police getting out and yelling orders. Bow got up and watched through the window, seeing them pick up the wolf and put him in an ambulance and then start to question Vaba. He seemed to be making a story that didn't involve Bow, but she knew the wolf would tell a different story when he woke up. She wasn't about to let Vaba get in trouble for lying, so she jumped through the window and walked slowly over. She didn't even wait for an invitation, but just explained that she'd told Vaba to lie because she was in shock but now wasn't, then launched into her story, cutting out the part where she was invisible and what happened in the park. 

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