Chapter 12

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  Dark came back, laughing and carrying a box of tacos. "I'm guessing you asked and got a good answer then?" She asked. "Yup!" Vaba said, smiling. "Awesome. Let's go to a table now these tacos are heavy." Dark walked off to a table without waiting for a response, Bow and Vaba following after getting up. They sat around the table, eating the tacos. At first in silence, then Vaba said, "I hate to bring this up again, but how and why did you're eyes turn yellow and your fur turn so dark last night?" Dark choked on her food. "What?!" Then added in a whisper. "Oh wow Bow is the last person I'd expect..." "Expect what?" Bow asked. "You don't know?" Dark asked, surprised. "No... What is it?" Bow was confused now. Vaba was too, he looked totally lost and speechless. "Ok... So when you got kidnapped the guy hit you in the head, right?" Dark asked. "Yeah." "So pretty much... When you got hit you died at some point. But you're part demon, and it takes more than that to kill a demon, so only the cat part of you died. You aren't fully demon though so you can't live without something else too, so the cat part came back as a ghost. When you turn invisible, you're basically a ghost, nothing can touch you. Right now, you're caught between the two, so you look like a cat but you can be seen and touched like a demon. When you get upset or fighting you turn demon." Bow just sat in a shocked silence. It made sense, but it was too much to accept. Vaba was staring at both Bow and Dark, shocked and a little scared. "So..." Bow said hesitantly. "I'm a demon ghost?" "Yup!" Dark said, looking slightly annoyed at their reactions. Then Vaba spoke. "H-how'd you know all that stuff? About demons and ghosts?" Dark looked uncomfortable for a second before saying, "Well, I'm kinda interested in that stuff and all..." Bow got the feeling Dark wasn't telling them something, but knew better than to push. Dark knew she was having doubts anyway, she didn't need to be asked... 

  It was evening now, Bow and Vaba were alone together now. Dark had had to go, but she hadn't mentioned why. She just froze for a minute, then said she had to go while she ran off quickly. Vaba had stayed, he said he had nothing to do anyway and wanted to talk to Bow. She had asked the first question though. "Do you still want to date me?" "Are you still the same furball you were before we knew that?" Was Vaba's response. "Y-yes." Bow replied. "Well then why wouldn't I?" Bow just hugged him and started purring. Then Vaba began asking questions. "So, where does my furball live?" "I... Uhh..." Bow tried to think of what to say, and decided to go with honesty. "What are we sitting on?" She asked. "A bench... What does that have to do with anything though?" He was obviously confused, and despite the topic Bow couldn't help but laugh. "Wrong. We're sitting on my bed..." Vaba took a second to respond. "You've been living without a house all these years?" "Yup." Bow said, trying to put in her tone that she didn't really want to talk about it. "I... Well... Do you wanna live at my house? Y-you're welcome there..." Bow looked at him, surprised. "You mean it? Will your parents mind?" Vaba looked down uncomfortably. "T-they're d-dead..." He whispered. "Oh..." Bow thought sadly of Vaba's dad, who had helped her just as much as Vaba had. "I... Umm... You'll probably wanna know how they died... I just hope you still like me after I tell you..." Vaba looked like he was innerly fighting about whether or not he should tell her. "I'll still like you, promise." Bow promised. "O-ok..." Vaba said, looking down. "A few years ago I went off to fight in a war... Alot of stuff happened, and it gave me some issues... I-I had a flashback I guess, and went out of control, when it stopped m-my whole family was dead I-I shot them..." Vaba started to cry. "Oh... Wow..." Bow wasn't sure what to say and she just hugged him and pet the back of his head while he cried. 

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