"Good night Sky," he replied. Within a blink, he was gone.

Letting out a tired sigh, I got up and walked out the room and down the stairs to see the place was being cleaned up. I said my goodbyes to the bartenders and custodians before leaving. I pushed open the door and tiredly walked to the car. The heels were now starting to hurt my foot.

I made it to the car and got into the drivers seat. Not bothering to close the driver's door, I flashed myself back into the island garage. I got out and shut the door. Too tired to walk, I flashed upstairs in my room. I took off my heels and threw them to the other side of the room.

I changed out of my dress into a crop top and pj shorts before flashing back downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and went in the fridge searching for something to munch on. My eyes landed on some strawberry yogurt. I took it out the fridge and grabbed a spoon before heading to the living room.

I turned the t.v one and laid down on the couch eating my yogurt. Within seconds, I felt myself falling asleep.


Lucifer P.O.V

I looked at the outside of the club and shook my head. She was in there. I finally found her. I was about to go in but realized she might run again so I tried to search for some way she might have gotten here besides flashing. Knowing Sky, she's to respectful to just flash in public out of random. I searched around the lot and saw a car Sky would definitely have in her garage.

I walked over to the car and flashed inside the car on the passenger's seat. If the car has a pistol and a black credit card in the car kit, this is defiantly her car. I opened the kit and sure enough, there was the card and the pistol. I decided to just hide out in the back of her car until she comes and flashes out. Where does she flash out to?

After about half an hour, I heard the car door open and within a blink, brightness surrounded the car. The door slammed shut and he scent faded a bit. I sat up and flashed myself out the car to see I was in the garage. I focused my powers and flashed outside the house to see a familiar setting. We were on her private island.

I turned around to the house and looked up at the second floor to see two balcony doors open making it possible to see inside the room. My eyes landed on Sky who was in a white short dress with red lipstick on and heels. She took off the heels and threw them to the other side of the room.

I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she looked. Every time I looked at her, she always stuns me with how beautiful she looked. My lips twitched up into a smile. Her hands reached from the bottom of the dress getting ready to take it off. I respectfully turned away and walked to the side of the house to kill some time. How was I supposed to get her back?

After some few minutes, my hearing picked up some t.v noise. I flashed into the living room to see Sky laying down on her stomach, eating yogurt and watching t.v. After a few seconds, she fell asleep. I walked up from behind her and looked down at her. She was and still is the most adorable person I've ever came in contact with.

Walking around the couch, I took the yogurt out of her hand and placed it on the table. I reached under her and picked her up bridal style. She moan a bit but stayed asleep. I quietly carried her upstairs into her room and tucked her into bed. My eyes trailed down her sleeping body.

I leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Sweet dreams my beautiful Princessa" I whispered so I wouldn't wake her up. I silently walked out the room and closed her door. I didn't care if she would yet at me tomorrow or try to kill me. I am just happy I found her and she is safe.


Skylar P.O.V

The smell of bacon hit my nose causing me to slowly open my eyes and smile. My smile dropped once I realized where I was. I was in my bedroom. How did I get here? I remember falling asleep on the couch and I know for sure I don't sleep walk. I quickly got up and headed for the door but stopped once I swallowed tasting the yogurt from yesterday. I made a sour face and gagged a bit. I ran into my bathroom and brushed my teeth clean and rinsed it uncountable times until it was just minty fresh.

I walked out my room and quietly walked down the stairs and around the corner. I stood in shock as I watched tattoo covered back face me. He was cooking breakfast. How did he even find me? I mean I expected him to find me in about 3 days or so but not so soon. I stood there for a second debating if I should just run again or just face him.

It was now pretty obvious to me that it would be no use running. He will always find me no matter what. Might as well just face him. I walked up to the chair by the counter and silently took a seat. I watched as he didn't say a word or bothered to turn around. I knew he knew I was here. I just stared at his tattooed back as he cooked.

About five silence minutes passed by and he turned around with two plates in his hand. One for him and one for me. He placed the plate in front me and one next to me where he would sit. He then took out two forks and knifes from the draw before passing me a pair. He walked over to the fridge and took out some orange juice for him and I. He placed my cup in front me and walked over to his side. Throughout the whole time, I kept my eyes on his face and not even one time did he bother to just look at me.

We ate our food in silence and I was somewhat thankful for it. After I finished eating, I got up and placed my dishes in the sink. I turned the water on and reached for the detergent but a hand stopped me. I didn't have to look up to know what he meant. He was going to wash the dishes. He released my hand and I turned on my heels before walking upstairs.

I walked into my room and grabbed my towel for my shower. After washing my hair and skin, I slipped into a blue high low beach dress and headed back downstairs. I walked down the stairs and turned the corner to see Lucifer was no longer in the kitchen. I turned around and heard chattering coming from the living room. I headed in to see Lucifer was on the phone and was in different clothes. I guessed he flashed home and showered as well.

He listened quietly on the phone then looked up at me. His eyes pierced into mine as he stay quiet.

"No it's fine... Don't bother.... Take care of it, she'll understand," Lucifer spoke not taking his eyes off me.

Who was he talking to?

He said his goodbyes and hanged up on the person. "Stephen has to go take care of some business back home in Spain. He said he will be over as soon as he could," he notified me.

Of course he would.

I stared at Lucifer waiting for him to say something, anything, but nothing came out. He just returned the look that I gave him.

"So...You're not going to yell at me or something?" I asked causing him to tense up a bit. I knew he was mad at me but he was just trying to hold back his anger.

His body loosen up a bit and he let out a sigh, "You should flash back to the mansion to say bye to your brother before he's gone."

"I don't-"

"I'm not asking," he cut me off.

I rolled my eyes and groaned in frustration. Within a blink I was in the lobby of my mansion. I turned to see Stephen reaching for the door handle to leave.

"Leaving without a word again?" I commented causing him to jump. He turned around and smiled as he saw me.

He walked up to me and eyed me from head to toe. "As the older brother, I don't approve of this dress. It's to...revealing," I paused in between searching for a word. I rolled my eyes and he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. Something in me clicked and I found myself returning the hug.

"I know I should off come to you sooner. I just thought you were better off without me. You looked like you had everything under control. But when I came to see you at the hotel, James told me everything what happened...Even when you were kidnapped. I am so sorry Sky," he spoke into my hair. I felt his grief and sadness. I also felt how angry he was. Not at me but at himself.

"It's okay Stephen. You just thought it was the right thing. I don't want you to blame yourself. Everything is fine now so don't worry," I pulled away from the hug and gave him a smile.

He kissed my forehead and released me. "I have a plane to catch. I'll keep in touch with you. I promise to also visit you again," he promised.

I nodded my head. Stephen said a few words to Lucifer asking him to just watch over me and keep me safe. Stephen then turned on his heels and walked out the door. I watched as the door closed behind him.

"Are you okay?" Lucifer's voice came from behind me.

I let out a heavy sigh "When am I ever okay?" I mumbled before turning on my heels and walking up to my room

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now