“Alright, what’s up.” Louis didn’t pose it as a question, and he didn’t even sound a bit hesitant, as he nearly demanded an answer.


            “Don’t give me the ‘nothing’- he mocked me, his voice raising an octave. “I know what you’re playing at Lydia. What’s going on?” He still wasn’t in my line of sight, his footsteps seeming to fade a bit into the background.

            I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest and standing quickly, scanning the room for him. There was no messy headed brunette boy in my line of sight, but a bit of movement from another room caught my eye.

            I shuffled over to the open door and cautiously stepped in, completely taken aback by what I was met with.

            Louis was leaning over his nightstand. A precarious stack of CD’s balancing underneath him, his hand outstretched as if he was going to grab the curtain. He was nearly there too, just a few more centimeters and he would have it, but I couldn’t even clear my mind enough to focus on anything but the gray sweatpants that were settled very nicely on his hips.

            I had grown very fond of his slightly spread apart gait, and the feminine curves that seemed to fit his body like a glove, somehow making him appear more masculine. However, I was unsure how I had missed the key part of any woman’s desire; his ass.

            Oh. My. God.

            The way his sweatpants hung loosely from his thighs, but stretched immensely tighter over the perfectly curved outline of his butt. Where on Earth had this man acquired such an unnaturally appealing body? It was as though every ounce of my being pulled me towards him, while my head scrambled to sort through the danger signs such a man could pursue.

            “Lydia.” Louis finally grabbed the curtain and pulled it shut. His heavily accented voice snapping at me, as he turned to notice my intoxicated stare that hopefully had been dragged a little north before he caught the subject of my drooling.

            “Do you sleep with a lot of women?” The words rolled off my tongue like an avalanche before I could stop them.

            “No?” He answered me questioningly, his arms crossing over his maroon v-neck. His eyebrows had nearly disappeared into his forehead, the level of confusion more than evident as it was written all over his face. His answer however, seemed hesitant.

            “You do, don’t you?” I again asked him the question before I could stop myself, a sly grin warily making it’s way across my lips as I shook my head in disapproval, but not in surprise.

            “I’m not entirely certain where that came from?” Louis again avoided the question. Instead he posed his own as he fidgeted, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

            “Markus’s warning, what was that about?” I kept my gaze locked on his, struggling to keep them from drifting back down to those mouth watering sweatpants.

            I would never understand how men like him could pull sweatpants off better than I could pull a dress at the Grammy’s off.

            “That, I, uh, I’m not a virgin?” He stated lamely, a slightly rosy color tinting his cheeks.

            “Please tell me you’re kidding, you thought I didn’t know that?” I giggled unstoppably, the look on his face letting me know that he quite plainly meant every word he’d said. “You’re trying to tell me, that you,”- I pointed between us, trying to choke out the words before the next bout of laughter ensued. “were under the impression that I thought someone like you was a virgin? Have you looked in the mirror lately?” I snorted, my hands on my knees as I struggled for air. I was beyond the point of caring that I was a wheezing mess in front of a terribly confused celebrity, I was more amused with the idea that he even thought I would believe he was a virgin.

Zoo // Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now