chapter 29

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Britt's pov

I did not expect that at all. I remember hearing about that when my mom was watching the news once. I remember hearing about nick and Luke. I just cant believe they never told us who they really were before. why did lizzie change there names towards us? I mean lizzie changed me and Alex's name but ma- I mean nick and Luke knew what our real names were..

I just stared at max in shock but Alex seemed like she was both shocked and sad. does she feel bad for him. I nudged her a bit and she looked up at me. she shook her head really fast knowing what I was thinking as I looked between her and max. I looked back over towards max and he just sat there staring down at his bed with no expression.

"can we see Jacob- I mean Luke?" I asked quietly breaking the silence.

my voice echoed threw the room along with the beeping sound of max's heart machine.. yeah I learned what that thing is. max looked up from the bed and straight at me and sighed while shaking his head. why does he keep rejecting questions about Jacob?


"because, the doctors wont even let me see him.. I have no idea where he is and... I don't care if you still call me max and him Jacob, its fine" max explained.

"why wont they tell you anything?"

"you ask a lot of questions! I don't know!" max yelled a bit annoyed at me.

"fine, then I'll just go ask myself!"

I got up and walked quickly out of the room and looked around for my doctor. I spotted him and ran towards him. I pushed the lady that he was talking to away and turned and faced him.

"Luke Adams... where is he?"


Alex's pov

Britt shook her head in disbelief and ran right out of the room leaving me all alone... with him.

"so..." max began.

I need to remind my self to have a little talk with Britt about leaving me alone in a room with this thing. I would just get up and walk out myself but he'll probably beat me to it before I even take my first step. I just stared at the door waiting for Britt or at lest someone to come in the room. it never happened for over 5 minutes and was starting to re think about leaving. just quickly getting up and grabbing my crutches and start walking...

" listen Alex..." I could tell that he was looking at me but I just kept staring at the door and I heard him sigh. "I really am sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt you or Britt.. mostly you. you were younger and I shouldn't have done the things that I did"

I started to feel the tears about to escape from my eyes. I let them go not being able to hold them in anymore.. all of the memories or what he did to me started to come back to me. they were horrible.. so horrible that not even a sincere apology would take it back and be excepted.. it may not have seem like all the things he had done was bad compared to what I had to go threw with lizzie but he has done bad things to me.

"look... I know saying sorry isn't going to help but know your free. free to say anything you want to me." I looked over at him and pointed to my throat and he nodded and sighed. "right.. but do you think that you'll ever forgive me?"

he looked up at me with sad and apologetic eyes waiting for my answer. I angrily shook my head and started to cry like crazy. I was sniffing and everything. max just sat there on the bed not doing anything but I knew we has watching me cry into my hands. why would he even think that I would forgive him! I shouldn't even be crying over him... what he did... I'm such a baby.

"alright then lets just forget about the past for a while then.. maybe when you can talk again we can talk.." I kept my face buried into my hands just ignoring everything that he has to say. "I saw you trip over a log and fall down a hill. I was with Jacob the inter time and I was going to go over to you and try to help but then Jacob-"

I looked up at max and he looked like he was about to bust into tears. I could see the layer of gloss gathering up in his eyes. I saw a few tears stream down his face. I gave him a confused look but he just seemed to ignore it. what's wrong with Jacob? the door flew open and Britt came running in. finally!

"I found him! he's only three floors up! come on"

Britt picked up my crutches and handed them to me as I tried to quickly stand up on my one foot and start walking with the crutches. max leaped off the bed and walked up behind me and Britt and we all started to follow Britt to where ever she was going. we had to get back into the stupid elevator thingy again and I huffed out a angry sigh.

Britt rolled her eyes at me as we all gather around the room. I held onto the railing and so did Britt. max just stood in the middle of the thing with out a problem and we made our way up three floors. once the doors opened we pushed max out of the way and ran out of the elevator. Britt stopped once we walked out into the hallway. she looked down each hallway looking like she was trying to remember something.

"I think his room number was 789" Britt whispered to me. 

I nodded my head to her and looked down the opposite direction she was looking in. I saw the room number 784 and I tugged on Britt's sleeve. she turned around and looked at me as I pointed down the hallway. she smiled at me and we all started to walk quickly towards the hallway where Jacobs room should be.  it was a long hallway and had a lot of rooms but once we reached room 789 we all stopped and just stared at the door knob.

"w-who wants to o-open it?"  Britt asked. I guess she was a bit nervous to see what was behind the door.

"I will..."

max stepped in front of me and Britt and slowly put his hand on the silver knob and slowly turned it open. he pushed the door open and he was the first to walk in. he stopped and looked frozen in the middle of the room and then me and Britt walked in. we both also stopped in the middle and saw Jacob laying down a bed looking lifeless. he had all kinds of tubes sticking out of him and that were attached to a machine. I gasped at the look of him. he did NOT look good at all.. I noticed movement in the corner of my eye and saw a lady staring at us with sad eyes.


"he's in a coma" the nurse cut max off. I stared at Jacob in shock... he's. in. a. coma...


hey guys! here's the 28th chapter I hope you enjoy!

so max was found and Jacob in now in a coma.. wow.

so yeah. I'll probably update again sometime this week again most likely Friday or over the weekend.

also on the side is one of the videos i was thinking about having for the story.. safe and sound tell me what you guys think about it.

so yeah I hope you enjoyed so vote, comment and tell me what you think.. bye ^_^

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