Chapter Twenty Five

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Ella's POV

I'm flicking through the tv channels but I'm not really in the mood to watch it, sighing I switch it off and walk over to the window. Freddie has been out training the younger fighters and I'm really bored, I passed on the opportunity to go shopping with the girls as my morning sickness is in full swing.

Just as I'm about to go for a walk Freddie walks into our bedroom. I bite my lip as I take in his appearance, he's only wearing a pair of shorts. My eyes travel up his tanned muscular legs to his six-pack then to his gorgeous face, his blue eyes glowing with lust.

"I'm going to take a quick shower then I'll run you a bath?" he asks placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"Yes, that will be lovely."

Whilst he's showering I lay out my pyjamas and get some clean shorts for Freddie. I don't bother getting him a shirt as my hormones have made me the world's biggest pervert. I hear the shower stop and the bath start running as he opens the door my breath hitches. All I can focus on are the tiny droplets of water running down his body and then I hear him laugh.

"You seem a little distracted by me today,  I like it."

"Uh, have you seen yourself? Join me in the bath?" I ask.

"Sure, let me stop the water."

He walks into the bathroom and I follow removing my clothes. As he stops the water and turns to face me his eyes quickly change to black. Pushing me against the cool tiled wall he kisses me hungrily. I pull away and see his eyes change back.

"I'm so sorry, was I too rough? are you ok?" he asks concerned.

"No I'm fine, I just needed to catch my breath."

"Good, your body just looks incredible. I couldn't control my wolf."

"It's ok Freddie I'm fine honestly."

"is the bath temperature ok? it's not too hot for the baby is it?" he asks and I can't hold in my laughter.

"Freddie it's fine, our pup is well protected in here and a warm bubble bath won't hurt him or her. Now get in here!" I say splashing him.

He climbs in and we sit facing each other and he's massaging my toes. He bites one sending shivers throughout my body. I move so I'm sitting on his lap and he makes love to me passionately and unhurried. We get out and I get my towel wrapping it around me and I pass one to Freddie. I dry and dress and he joins me shortly after.

As we lay on the bed just staring into each other's eyes Freddie has one hand on my stomach and the other under his face.

"Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" he asks and I shrug.

"I honestly have no idea, apparently some mothers know, I don't see how though."

"When we have an ultrasound do you want to find out?"

"No I want it to be a surprise, we only have to wait three months anyway," I say placing my hand on his.

Werewolf pregnancies only last 3-4 months usually depending on how many pups the mother is carrying. I'm going to enjoy every second of this pregnancy although I may just lock Freddie in the cupboard if he keeps being so overprotective.

I get up to go to the kitchen and I'm quickly stopped by my mate. "Where are you going? Do you need anything? I'll go you should rest."

"Freddie I really want some peanut butter cup ice cream, I can make it to the freezer without dying and if you don't stop this overbearing behaviour I will have to kill you."

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry. At least let me hold your hand?"

I put my hand on my hip and glare at him, marching out of the room I go in search of my beloved ice cream. He doesn't follow me so I think he got the message.

As I walk into the kitchen Jack and Hayley are feeding each other strawberries. I look at them and giggle whoever knew Jack would be so romantic!

"Hey, lovers whatcha doing?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows at them and they both look shocked to see me.

"What is it? Do I have something on my face?" I ask laughing.

"No, I'm just shocked to see you without Freddie stalking you." Jack is the first to answer.

"He told you huh?"

"Yes he did but only us, congratulations Ella," Hayley says walking over and hugging me.

"Thanks, I should get my ice cream and head back before the search party gets sent out. You guys prepared for tomorrow's ceremony?"

"Yes, Ella and we're so honoured to be your Betas."

"No Jack you two are great I wouldn't want anyone else," I tell them honestly.

We say goodnight and I grab my ice cream, heading back to my room I see Freddie waiting for me on our bed. I see him visibly relax when he sees me and I sigh he's only going to get worse isn't he!

***A/N please vote, comment and follow. The next chapter will have some drama so please vote if you'd like to read more. Once again huge thanks to everyone reading I seriously can't get over the 13k reads. Wow! love to you all xoxoxo***

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