Chapter Eighteen

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Happy birthday for tomorrow morrisgirl x

Aaron's POV

So Ella is mated and not to me, wow I thought I'd feel angry. I look over at Isla and smile, she gives me a breathtaking smile back. This girl is changing me for the better she's so upbeat it's hard to ever feel anything other than happy around her.

We're all enjoying lunch when Jack drags Camie out of the room. I can't make out what they're saying but he doesn't sound happy. I'm about to go and see what my cousins are arguing about but Ella goes after them shaking her head indicating for me to stay. After a while, they all come back looking angry and the room falls silent.

"Hey everyone who's up for a game of football?  girls vs boys, shirts vs skins" my beautiful mate pipes up winking at me.

"If you girls are skins" A guy called Callum says.

I let out a fierce growl and get out of my chair and Callum shrinks back into his.

"Just joking man!" he says throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Let's all meet up in the garden in thirty minutes," Isla says and everyone cheers and smiles.

Ahh, my amazing mate does it again she will make a great beta female. We get changed and meet everyone in the garden. Isla stands on her tiptoes and whispers in my ear.

"You're overdressed." with that she rips my t-shirt off me and I look at her shocked.

"Mm better" she whispers staring at my body.

The girls can't concentrate looking at the guys' bodies and the guys are having the same problem as the girls have come up with a strategy. They're wearing very little clothing!

I've got the ball and I'm charging towards the goal Isla jumps in my path and I freeze she's wearing short shorts and she's tied her top to a side not revealing her stomach. She jogs over to me and gives me her best innocent look.

"Thanks, baby," she says kicking the ball from me to Ella.

Ella runs for the goal and scores the girls are cheering like crazy. Crap we just lost the game.

"Man we're screwed!" Freddie says slapping me on the back.

"Tell me about it!" I say laughing.

We all head back to the house to watch a movie in the cinema room we've even got popcorn and sweets. We take our seats and I'm cuddled up to Isla when I see Camie sneaking off.

"Babe I'll be back in a bit," I say kissing her forehead.

"Yeah sure," she says and I laugh, that girl and her sweets she has no idea what I just said.

I watch as Camie enters the woods and shifts into her wolf. What is she up to? I shift and follow her scent but keep far enough away so she won't sense me.

I slow down as I know I'm about to approach a clearing, I crouch down and shuffle forward slightly so I can just see her.

"Baby you came" I hear a male say. I look and see it's Cal Wills next alpha of the black forest pack.

I see Camie shift back and I look away, my cousin naked is not something I wish to see.

"Yes I had to see you," she says and I hold back a growl. what is she playing at?

"I'm challenging my father tonight, then I want you by my side, my beautiful mate."

Shit! He's her mate and he's crazy for challenging his father, that guy is probably the strongest wolf in the world.

"Oh, are you now boy?" A voice booms and I look to see a man enter the clearing oh god it's Alpha Guy Wills, Cal's father.

"I heard everything you said to this little skank! I accept your challenge with my beta and third as my witnesses," he growls out and two others step out behind him.

I hear Camie whimper and I mindlink Brad to send backup. Cal and Guy shift into their grey wolves the only difference between them are Guy has black paws and many battle scars.

They swipe at each other both tearing flesh, Cal is meeting his father blow for blow when Guy decides he's had enough he tackles Cal to the ground going to tear his throat out.  Guy looks down at Cal with a fierce look in his eyes as he is about to bite down I see a sight that makes me charge out from my hiding place, Camie shifts and runs at Guy taking a chunk out of his neck. It doesn't kill him but it has seriously wounded him. Blood covers the ground.

The two other wolves run at me and I'm fighting them off, one takes a bite out of my hind leg and I let out a howl. Man that hurt like a bitch. I turn and tackle him to the ground, he tries to claw at me but I rip his throat out in seconds. I turn to fight the other wolf but Freddie has entered the clearing and takes him down and tears him apart.

I look over at Camie who is standing watching Guy still try to fight Cal, Camie's wound has left Guy vulnerable he goes to pounce at Cal but Cal knocks him to the floor. The look on Cal's face is a mixture of anger and upset, he doesn't want to do this but has no choice. He bites down on his father's neck and then howls to the sky as the life drains from his father's body. Camie rushes to his side and rubs her face against his neck. Freddie nudges some shorts towards me and we both shift and walks over to Camie and Cal.

Cal reluctantly walks into the bushes then walks out in a pair of shorts and hands a shirt to Camie. She shifts and changes and we all stand there bloodied and muddy.

"Cal, I know we've had our differences but if you get rid of the rogues and run your pack with respect I'd like to sign a peace treaty" Freddie speaks first.

"I know my pack would enter that too," I say confidently.

Cal looks down at Camie and smiles, "That was my plan and I'd be happy to sign. I'd also like to apologise for the situation with Ella."

Freddie nods stiffly at him, Camie smiles at us and hugs Cal.

"Camie it's safer for you to go home whilst I get rid of the rogues, I'll come for you once it's done," Cal informs her and she looks sad.


"We'll kill any that cross our borders," I tell them.

"Yes ours too." Freddie nods in agreement.

Camie and Cal say a tearful goodbye, "Come on Cam he's alpha now he can handle anything." I tell her putting my arm around her.

***A/N hey all hope you're having an awesome week! I am :-) so busy but a lot of amazing things going on in my life right now. Thanks to you all for commenting and voting please continue xoxo***

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