Chapter Five

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Ella's POV

My father and I left the pack house early so I left Aaron a fake treasure hunt to find his present. I've really hid the present under his bed. I wish I could see his face! I sat through a three-hour car journey and then had two hours of nothing whilst my father had a meeting with Alpha Jim.

Finally, some of the Moonlight pack teenagers are getting back from School. Jack spots me straight away and comes running up to me with a bone-crushing hug. He's six feet and pure muscle with copper hair and such a sweet guy.

"Ella! Look at you! You look amazing, "he says holding me at arm's length.

"Thanks, " I say blushing.

I'm rubbish with complements.

"Happy Birthday! Have you found your mate?" I ask.

He shakes his head and sighs, "No, not yet. We've got the girls from your pack coming later though so who knows."

"That's true, I hope you do find her."

"Thanks, Ella."

More of the pack members come up to me and welcome me back. I remember most of them from the previous meetings and it's really nice to catch up. I help set up for the party and go to Jack's sister Camie's room to get ready.

"Tadaaa!" Camie says as she walks out of her bathroom in her costume. She's dressed as ariel from the little mermaid.

"Oh my god you look amazing, the perfect outfit to go with your hair," I tell her.

She has the most amazing red hair that comes down to her hips.

"Thanks, you look better though! Seriously the boys aren't going to be able to keep their eyes off you regardless of your father being here," she says and I blush.

I have a really odd feeling about tonight like something is off but I can't quite put my finger on what it is.

"Come on we best head down, your pack will be here any moment," Camie says and we leave her room.

I suddenly feel self-conscious about my costume choice it's a bit revealing. I can't wait for my best friend to arrive, I just need to see him now.

We walk down the stairs and the music is blaring and lights flashing. I see people from both packs and I'm greeted by everyone bowing their heads out of respect. The guys can't keep their eyes off of us Camie was right.

The adults have kept a section of the house to themselves so they don't have to listen to our 'awful music' as my father calls it. I've been warned I will still have people keeping watch of me; as if I would expect any different my father is very overprotective.

Camie and I get ourselves a drink and we're joined by Brad, Isla and Hayley from my pack. We all stand together chatting and I'm looking around for Aaron, where is he?

***A/N Don't you hate when you go to open some chewits and they're stuck to their wrappers! Thanks to those who have already voted it means so much and makes me want to keep writing so please keep it up. Someone comment as it's very lonely writing with no comments. Boohoo for me. Oh and follow meee! Thanks again xoxo***



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