Chapter Seventeen

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Camie's POV

I haven't told anyone other than Ella that Cal is my mate. It's going to kill me to reject him but what choice do I have? I can't be part of what his pack stand for.

I decide to take a run to clear my head, shifting into my small red wolf my paws hit the ground hard and I push myself as fast as I can go. Before I know it I've accidently ran over our border, shit! I quickly turn around but as I do I hear a wolf approaching my right. I turn my head to look but I smell him before I see him.

Then out from the bushes walks the huge grey wolf, Cal. He shifts in front of me standing in his toned naked glory and I turn around.

"Shift back, Now!" He orders.

I turn back to look at him and shake my head indicating no.

"I command you to shift back now" He uses his full alpha power and although he isn't my alpha his tone works and I immediately shift.

I go as red as my hair and try to cover my body as best I can. Cal strides over to me and pulls me to him.

"My beautiful mate! Why do you turn away from me?" His voice is full of hurt and his eyes search mine for the answer.

"I can't be with you, Cal! Your pack tried to take one of my best friends and our future Luna."

"That was my father's orders! Sure I hate Freddie and before I found you I thought mates were pathetic so I didn't care about taking Ella, but everything has changed now."

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

"Challenge my father for alpha position."

I gasp "Cal, that's a fight till death! You can't!"

"It's the only way we can be together, he wants me to kidnap and mate Ella.  He will never accept us as mates, he'd kill you." He angrily says the last part.

"I'll win Camie, I promise you."

He kisses me hungrily and to my surprise, I kiss him back. Then I remember we're both naked and I pull away.

"I have to go," I say and shift into my wolf.

"Meet me back here tomorrow at six." He tells me stroking my face and my wolf growls in delight, stupid mate bond.

I run back to the pack house as fast as I can, shifting back I grab the old t-shirt slipping it on and enter the house. I shower and join everyone for lunch poor Ella walks in and doesn't hide her sexed mess thoughts from us and we all laugh.

Jack pulls me up from the table and drags me into the hall. I give him a 'what the hell?' look and he glares at me.

"Why the fuck do you smell like Cal Wills?" he whisper yells.

I avoid making eye contact and try to think of a lie but Jack snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Tell me now Cam or I'll have to go straight to Freddie and Jim."

I burst into tears at the thought. "Please don't Jack, he's my mate."

"What the fuck? So I assume you haven't rejected him as you reek of him! You're a traitor to this pack, my own sister!"

I cry harder "I went to reject him but he had some news, he was only acting under his Father's orders. His psycho father ordered him to kidnap Ella and mate her then he bumped into me as he was leaving the other night. He said his father would never allow us to be mates and that he'd kill me." I finished my story and Jack let out a ferocious growl.

"Over my dead body! What's Cal going to do about it?" he asks.

"Challenge his father!" I break down in Jack's arms and he hugs me tight. His expression is stunned as I was. Cal's father is pure evil and will fight dirty he is the most feared Alpha in the world.

"Camie?" I hear Ella ask, Freddie is with her anger and concern etched on his face.

"I guess you heard?" I sniff and they nod.

"If he wins we will put aside our pack differences won't we Freddie?" Ella asks.

"Yes, if he agrees to getting rid of the rogues and changing how his pack is run."

I know that's a huge step for Freddie, he and Cal have always been enemies ever since I can remember.  I hope Cal wins and agrees with Freddie.

***A/N please vote, comment and follow! Over three thousand reads now, you lot are awesome!  More votes please? xoxoxoxo***

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