Chapter Forty

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Freddie POV

2 months later

Dreaming about running through the long grass a voice enters my head, it's my wolf.

"Wake up! Mate in danger!"

I sit bolt upright and turn to Ella who groans in pain I can smell blood so turn on the lights. As I look at the sheet I gasp in horror. Our bed is covered in blood and so is Ella.

"Angel wake up for me!"

"Freddie it hurts!" She groans clutching her stomach and lets out a worried cry when she looks down at herself.

"Shh try not to panic I'll link jack to get Brooke, you'll both be fine I can hear the pups steady heartbeat." I try my best to keep her calm.

"Why am I losing so much bl... Argh!" She cried out again and I scoop get up and run to the medical room.

I place her gently on the bed, each tear falling down her pale cheek is crushing me. Where is Brooke?!

The doors fly open and in runs Brooke with Aaron and Jack trailing behind her. I look back to Ella and to the state of undress, she's in.

"Get out!" I shout at the boys who don't need telling twice.

Brooke examines Ella who groans in pain, my wolf is fighting for control and I fight him off with every fibre of my being. I place her hand in mine and squeeze it gently.

"Please tell me my pup is OK?"

"I'm just going to check the pup's heartbeat with this doppler, you're seven centimetres dilated already and your waters have gone."

"But there's so much blood, is that normal?" my mate asks terrified.

"Yes luna, it looks more than it is because it was mixed with your water, please keep as calm as you can," Brooke replies placing the doppler to Ella's stomach.

I hear the train-like beat of my pup's heart and beam with pride. Ella and I could hear it anyway but hearing it so loud is incredible.

"That is one strong baby!" Brooke says as I see the baby kick out at the machine.

Over the next hour, Ella's contractions get stronger and she suddenly loses it.

"That's it, nope, not doing this, arrhhhh!" She doubles over clutching her stomach and I rub her back.

"Come on angel, yes you can, you're doing amazing." I look to Brooke for reassurance.

"You'd better hope this one's a boy Freddie because you're sure as hell not doing this to me again-oh-my- arrhhhh!" Ella screams and Brooke rushes over.

"Ok, Luna you're ready to push now so with the next contraction I want you to go with it and push with everything you've got."

Ella has been pushing for half an hour when she gives one more push, I hear the most amazing sound I've ever heard. Looking down at my beautiful baby boy, I feel the tears fall down my face and look to Ella who's crying too. I place a chaste kiss on her lips and look at our baby who she has pulled into her arms. He looks up at us with bright blue eyes, he's my absolute double and I couldn't be more proud.

"Congratulations to you both on the birth of your beautiful boy, Alpha would you like to cut the cord?" I nod and take the scissors to cut through the cord.

We stay like that for some time and then Ella gets cleaned up. I sit there staring at this little guy that we've created. My son, the future alpha. I never thought I could feel love like I had for Ella, but this was different, I would give everything and anything for my son he's my world and I will do anything for him. I gently kiss his forehead and snuggle him closer he's opening his mouth, searching for a milk source I chuckle and look around for Ella who has just walked back in.

"Uh mama I think you're needed," I say handing our baby to her once she's seated.

I sit with them and just gaze at our little miracle and his amazing mother.

"What are we going to call him?" She asks and I look at him closer.

"Blake?" I ask her and she smiles. It was at the top of her baby name list and it suits him.

"Blake Harlington, Mama loves you." She says stroking his cheek.

If I could die from pride, that would have been my moment right there. I need to go make the announcement to the pack, I could do it through the mind link but I'm too excited. Before I even get down the hall I have a crazy little blonde lady jumping at me.

"Where's my grandbaby? Let me in!" she says bouncing on the spot like a child waiting for candy.

"Mother please give them a moment." I jokingly scold her.

"Oh congratulations baby, I'm so proud of you! Is it a girl or boy?"

"A boy, we've named him Blake, he's so perfect Mum. Come and announce to the pack with me then you and dad can meet him. I'll just call Thomas too."

Mum links her arm through mine and we meet my father at the end of the hall.

"Congratulations son, I'm so proud," he says pulling me in for a man hug and slapping me on the back.

I call Ella's dad who is so excited he was jumping in his car in his pyjamas. Walking to the kitchen which is already full with pack members eagerly awaiting the news, I clear my throat and instantly have everybody's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's a boy!" The deafening cheers are enough to wake whoever was asleep to miss the announcement. Children's footsteps can be heard running down the hall. I'm bombarded with congratulations and questions, giving Jack and Hayley the details of his name and weight I leave them to inform the excited women.

"Not without me you don't!" Mum giggles dragging my unsuspecting father with her.

*****A/N hey everyone hope you're all well. Thank you so much for reading and sorry again for such a long wait, you are all amazing. Please vote and comment *****

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