Martinus then whispered something in Mac's ear and Mac then said,

Marcus- "Ok, if you want to..."

His grip loosened and I fell into the cold water.

I came back up to the surface and Mac and Tinus were laughing their heads off.

"I hate you guys, the pranks I did on you weren't this mean..." I said.

Marcus ran back into the house while I went out of the "hot" tub. Martinus was still laughing like crazy though.

Mac came back out with a towel and wrapped it around me.

"Thanks," I said. We then all went inside and I went upstairs to get changed. I went into Mac's room and looked in my bag. I didn't have very many clothes left so I decided to go and have a quick shower then get changed into my pjs.

After my shower I came out and was drying my hair, while I went into Mac's room. Then I saw Marcus on the bed with a piece of paper in his hand.

I immediately recognised the paper as the one that Emma gave me with the drawing on. I sat next to him and tried to take it out of his hand but he moved it away.

Marcus-"Did Emma do this??" He asked me. I nodded and he smiled, while looking back at the paper.

Marcus-"Why didnt you show this to me?"

Sofia- "Because she told me not to..."

Marcus- "Its cute...."

Sofia- "I know,"

I then shivered a little since I was still a bit cold from the "hot" tub. Marcus noticed and he put his arm around me and said,

Marcus- "Are you cold?"

Sofia- "A little.." He pulled me closer to him and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

He looked at the photo for about 5 more minutes and then Martinus came into the room. I sat up and he said,

Martinus- "Guys, can you help me make dinner please,"

We all agreed and went downstairs. I looked through the cupboard to see what we could cook and we ended up doing some spaghetti with pesto.

We all ate and then Emma seemed really tired. We all brought her upstairs and said good night.

As Marcus and Martinus left the room, i then asked her.

"Why didn't you want me to show them the drawing??"

"I dont know, they would probably be annoying and clingy if you showed them..." She replied

"Ok, but if they might see it would it be a bad thing?"

"No, not really. Why are you asking?"

"Because Marcus may or may not have found it in my bag and saw it..."

"It ok" She said while yawing. I then put the blanket over her and went out of her room. I went into Mac's room and saw he was sitting on his bed still looking at the drawing.

I sat next to him and took the drawing out of his hand.

Sofia- "You can't stare at it forever," I said

Marcus- "But I like it,"

Sofia- "Yeah, me too." I looked down at the drawing and then Marcus pulled me onto his lap.

I put the drawing down and stared into his chocolate brown eyes.

He leaned in and brushed his soft lips on mine.

Then Martinus came in and said,

"I'm going to go to bed now, good night guys..."

Marcus- "Good night!"

Sofia- "Night Tinus,"

He then left the room and closed the door behind him.

I put my arms around Mac's neck and kissed him.

After he then said,

"The prank we did on you wasn't that bad...." I laughed and replied.

"Really, so if me and Martinus did it to you, you wouldn't mind...."

"I don't know, but at least I got you a towel after..." he said with his cheeky smile on.

"Yeah, yeah that made everything much better..." I replied with sarcasm..

I then yawned since I was a little tired and Marcus picked me up (bridal style) and lied me in the bed.

He came next to me and put his arms around me.

I lied on his chest, while he kissed my forehead and closed my eyes.

"I love you ❤️," I heard him whisper just as I fell asleep.

Authors note:

Hey guys, so all of you wanted my next book to be the foster kid but now it's another vote because I have another book you can chose from.

So here they are,

The Foster kid:

Ebba is a foster child since her mum and dad both died in a car crash. She has lived in Sweden her whole life but she has been in the foster care ever since she was 3 years old and no one has adopted her. Soon her agents finds someone that might want to adopt her, but they live in Trofors, Norway.
(As I said before it's not going to be the gunnarsen that adopts her)

Best friends brother:

What could happen when you have a crush on your best friends brother? You hope nothing, but it's never like that in this world....

Ok so tell me in the comments which one you want and then also don't forgot to vote and tell me what you think in the comments. Also if you chose the best friends brother I will give you a little more information since its nothing much there.

Thx ❤️😘

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