Stephen shot up in anger, "You bring her back right now," he demanded pointing to her. I shook my head.

He pulled out a pistol from the back of him and aimed it at me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Stephen. You have to trust him. He knows what he's doing," James quickly spoke to him. Stephen locked his eyes onto me and shook his head. "He's evil. How can you even say trust him. He's the devil for crying out loud," Stephen hissed.

I walked around the counter and poured myself a drink. "I'm giving you 5 seconds to put the gun back where it was or I will not hesitate to kick your ass," I spoke in a calm voice. I really meant it too.

He looked at me debating if I was serious or not. "Trust me, he'll do it," Ethan mumbled.

Stephen as stubborn as he was, he kept his gun aimed at me. I flashed in front him and slapped the gun out his hand. "You have no idea how deep Sky is into this. The other day, she killed a group of people and then yesterday, she almost killed another group. Not to mention, she's liking the idea of killing. So unless you want her to sink into this deeper, I suggest you do it my way because trust when I when I say, she's only getting started," I hissed out towering over him.

I could see and sense the fear that took over him. I knew my body was inflamed with fire and my eyes were black. He knew he pissed some part of me off and he knew I was right. He just swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded.

I didn't realized I was holding him by the collar until I released him. Without a word I just walked in front Sky's body and stood in front. I raised my left hand up and looked at my watch to see it was passed a minute. I snapped my finger and Sky gasp for air.

I frowned a bit at what I just did to her. I quickly dropped the frown and looked at her to see she was filled with fear. See, this time I snap her neck and she went to hell, she went to a more torturous part of hell. Let's say, your worst nightmare is relived as it actually happened. The pain is much more real than what you think it is to be.

She catched her breath and looked up at me from the floor. I expected her to just start yelling at me or just tackle me but I watched as she still stayed in fear. I searched her to see she was still in shock. Her eyes became watery but no tears came out.

"What happened," James asked now standing next to her.

She didn't say nothing. She just got off the floor and quickly rubbed her eyes obviously trying to get rid of the tears.

"Sky," Ethan's soft voice came up to her.

I stared at Sky trying to figure out which nightmare she lived through. It can create her punishment but not her fears. It wouldn't be her parents death since that was just on an emotional level. I let out a sigh as I figured out what she relived.

"Sky just talk to us," James spoke to her. She pushed him back a bit and started heading to the stairs.

I grabbed her hand and spun her around before pulling her into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her though she tried to fight it. She ended up crying into my chest. I rest my chin on top her head as she cried.

"Why would you make me go through that again," her cried came out muffled.

I pulled her away and lifted her chin up so she was looking at me. "I didn't know you would relive that nightmare. I'm sorry but whatever it takes, I will not let you turn into something I use to be. It's not a good place Sky," I spoke softly as I wiped her tears away.

"But I like being selfish. I like doing and getting what I want my way," she mumbled.

I didn't say anything. I knew what to say but I knew it would just get her mad. After all, I was once in her position. "Look, just talk to Stephen and he'll tell you want happen. Try to understand what he tells you and please don't make me punish you again," I stated.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now