Hanging with Friends

Start from the beginning

I ended up doing these braids on her hair and when I finished she ran to the mirror to see how it looked.

She gave out a little squeal and ran back to where I was and gave me a hug. She then ran downstairs to show Marcus and Martinus.

I went after her and when we came down they were both playing fifa (no surprise there). She tried to get their attention but they were not listening.

I then motioned Emma to come to me and I whispered in her ear.

"Pretend your going to unplug the game.." She nodded and went back over to them, then she said,

"If your not going to listen, I'm just going to have to unplug it..." When she said that Tinus immediately paused the game and they were listening.

I went and sat next to Martinus and Emma showed them the hairstyle I did. They didn't seem to care very much but pretended they did for Emma.

Emma then went back to her room and I stayed and watched Mac and Tinus play Fifa. I then got a text from Alice saying that if we wanted to hang out today.

I replied and said yes and she replied saying that she would meet me in front of my house.

I then went upstairs to Marcus's room to get my phone, my bag with all my stuff in it and a little purse and then went back down.

They had just finished their game and Tinus asked,

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna meet up with Alice.."

"Ok," He replied

Marcus then came up to me and said,

"I'll pick you up at 6.." I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then I left to go quickly to my house to put my stuff away.

Then I went outside to wait for Alice. She arrived like 2 minutes later, we got into a taxi and went to a small cafe nearby so we could chat.

We ordered and then sat down at a little table.

"Soo, I heard you slept over at Marcus and Martinus's house..."

"Yeah, I told you when we were chatting..."

"Ik, I just was wondering if yo.." I cut her off and said,

"No, we didn't and are you going to ask that question every time?"

"Yup, i'm your best friend, you will be doing the same when I get a boyfriend.."

"Omg, I didn't tell you, Marcus asked me out on a date tonight.."

She squealed and then said,

"OMG, we have to find the perfect outfit, what time is he going to pick you up???"


She then checked what time it was and said,

"Ok, we have 5 hours and a half to get you perfect for your date.."

Alice then stood up and grabbed my arm, she then ran out and we literally went to every single store we could find and we finally found the perfect outfit.

That took us about 1 hour and a half so when we finished we were pretty tired and hungry so we decided to go somewhere to have some lunch.

We had some lunch and chatted for a while and then we decided to go back to my place to hang out and Alice really wanted to help me get ready.

We got to my house and my mum wasn't home, she probably was getting some food or something idk.

We went to my room and I put all the stuff we bought down in next to my door. I then sat on the bed and went on my phone.

God Aiden was texting me a lot, maybe it was because I didn't reply before. Anyway I decided to reply.

Me: Hey, sry I was a little busy thats why I didn't answer your texts...

Aiden: Oh don't worry I was just pretty bored...

Me: Do you have instagram?

Aiden: Yeah, my name is aidenlarsen on literally every social media

Well now I knew his last name, I don't think I'm going to change my last name though. I wanna stay with my Fathers name.

"Who are you texting?" Alice asked,

"Oh, just Aiden, he hasn't stopped texting me since last night..."

"Oh, can I have his phone number?"

"No, Alice you saw one photo of him, how are you sure your even going to like his personality.."

"I'm not, but maybe it will be fun for me to have it..."

"Whatever.." We both laughed and I went on to my insta to follow him, he was private though so I had to request him. I also went on snapchat and found him too

Me: I requested you..

Aiden: Ok

Me: Sry I Gtg bye..

Aiden: Bye

I then put down my phone and checked the time. It's was 3:30 so we had like 2h and 1/2 till Marcus would come and pick me up.


Hey guys, omg we have have reach 11k reads. I can't describe my happiness rn!

I love you guys so much and I just wanted to say that if you guys enjoy my book you should also go and check out DuhItsGunnarsen books, she is currently writing foreigners and it is soo good. So go and check that out.

Also don't forget to vote and comment what you think on my story, luv you guys!


Edited: P.s can you guys see the pictures because some people can't??

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