"Congraulations, Its a boy!"-Midwife

"Really? Thats Dope!"-Ryland

"Anyone else?"-Midwife

Ross steps up and lays on the bed. He repeats the same process as Ryland and the midwife 'Scans' his bump.

"Congratulations, Its a healthy baby girl"-Midwife

"Uhhh, Thanks! That's Awesome!"-Ross

Rocky was next and I knew it would be a funny reaction, I mean, after all, it is Rocky.

Rocky lays on the bed carefully.

"Are you ready to find out the gender?"-Midwife

"Wait... before we start... am I fat?"-Rocky

"Of course not! You're a beautiful person, carrying a gift inside of you!"-Midwife

"Thank you so much!"-Rocky

He lifts his shirt up and shivers when the midwife pretends to put the gel on. She moves the doppler around the false bump. She furrows her eyebrows and Rocky looks scared.


"No, Please say it's a joke, please? I cant lose my baby..."-Rocky

"Rocky... Its Twins!"-Midwife

"Oh my stars! I Knew it! no wonder I'm so fat! I'm so happy, but how am I gonna raise twins as a single mother?"-Rocky

The midwife giggled.

"Would you like to know the genders?"-Midwife

"Of Course!"-Rocky

"Okay, so baby number 1 is a Boy! and baby number 2 is a girl! Congratulations!"-Midwife

He burst out crying!

"Oh my stars! I'm such a proud mother! Thank you so much!"-Rocky

We all giggled and Ratliff was up next.

"Okay, so it appears you are having a little girl!"-Midwife

"Another one? Aww Man..."-Ratliff

Next was Riker.

"Okay, So it looks like you're having a boy! Congrats!"-Midwife

"Dude, Thats Rocking! Im having a little man!"-Riker

"Im your little man!"-Mark

"You'll always be my little man!"-Riker

We all finish and Rocky wants to ask a question before we leave.

"Is it normal for my breasts to feel tender? and will they get bigger?"-Rocky

We all laugh and she just nods. I sign out and we head back to the car.

Ryland stops recording and puts the camera in his pocket.

We head to Mothercare and pick a scanner. We walk around scanning the things that are important.

Ryland records us.

I look around at everything. Theres so much to choose from. I go over to the strollers and look at them carefully. I test them out by walking them around the store. Im left with 2 choices.

"Guys, which one should I get? The Pink or The Purple?"-Rydel

"I think we should get the green!"-Ratliff

"Yeah, I agree with Ratliff!"-Rocky

"Oh please, Its pretty obvious you should get the blue!"-Riker

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