FT : Rogue x OC 2

Start from the beginning

"My mate" Rogue smile his own hand reaching across to me to trace the black dragon outline he had left on my neck all those months ago.

"That means I'll never leave you. I'm yours for all eternity. Only yours Rogue and that's how I want it to be forever.
I'm yours and you are mine" I smile before leaning up to place a soft kiss on his forehead.

"But what if something happens to you? What if your not here always?" He asked, voice raked with fear.

"Remember the first time you saw me? I just walked into Sabertooth without a clue as to where I was. I only knew I had to be there. That was the day I first saw, the universe made me go to Sabertooth so I could see you. So I could meet and fall in love with you. Your my other half Rogue and I'm yours. Nothing is going to happen if we have each other"

He just nodded as tears still fell from his eyes.
His body was still shaking and touching his skin you knew why. He was freezing.
"Let's get you inside. You'll freeze out here"

Rogue stumbled to his feet as he held my hand. His grip on my hand was tight, almost crushing but I didn't mind. Rogue needed that close contact right now. Needed something to ground him.

"I'm cold" He spoke out and looking at his face his lips had started to turn blue. I had to warm him up and fast.

"Lets go get in the shower. The hot water will warm you right up. Then we can get back into bed."

Walking through into our bathroom and set the shower up to a lukewarm temperature. I wanted to warm him up but I didn't want to scald him either.

"You can get in now. But you'll need to loose the pyjama pants first" I say to him holding the shower door open.

"Don't go" He pleaded as I went to walk out the room.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm grabbing some towels.....see" I say holding up the fluffy cream towels from the cupboard by the door

"Oh...okay" He mumbled now standing there naked as waiting to be told he could get in the shower.
"Are you...are you coming in with me?"

"If you want?" I smile placing the towels along the edge of the bath we also had in there.

"Please" He begged.

I just smiled again as I removed my crop top and pyjamas shorts. Once fully naked, I helped Rogue into the shower.

Once in he wraps his arms around me and just held me tight against his chest. The gap he left only big enough to let the warm water trickle down over both of us.
"Rogue. How long were you out there?"

"I don't know" He mumbled

"Why were you out there?"


"What happened?" I ask, my arms slowly rubbing up and down Rogues shoulders.

He just shook his head. I felt his knee tremble again and if I didn't calm him down soon we'd be on the floor again.
"Rogue. Listen to me. It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real. Please calm down for me" I begged

Despite my desperate words we sunk to the cold tiled floor of the shower. Reaching up I turned up the heat of the water attempting to make the tiles warmed as Rogue cried salty tears onto my shoulder.

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