He shook his head, "I have a heart. I do. It was self defense," he quickly responded.

"I don't think so," I disagreed with him and held my hand out in front him.

He looked at my hand with questions then at me. A smirk grew on my face, "Let's see if you have a heart."

His eyes widened and a painful groan came out. His body dropped to the ground slowly and I looked in my hand to see his bloody heart. "Oops! Looks like you did have one after all," I mumbled. Dropping his heart in the sand, I flashed back to see Makenzie still standing there and crying.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to her. "Let's get you to your room," I mumbled holding out my left hand for her to take. Her eyes widened as she looked at me. I looked down to see I was literally covered in blood. I looked back at her with a glare, "You either take my hand or I leave you here," I spoke in a stern tone.

She slowly took my hand and within a blink, we were in front my room. I looked at her bracelet to see her room was just one down from mine. I let her hand go and walked down to her room. She silently followed behind and I stopped in front the door. I knocked on the door and within seconds, the door flew open.

Well shit me a brick.

His greenish gray eyes widened as he looked at me. "What the fuck happened," he growled now pissed off whilst pulling me inside the room.

"Babe, last time I check, this was Axel's room not yours," I stated to Lucifer. He let out a groan and looked behind me. I turned to see Makenzie slowly walking in and closing the door behind her.

"Who was -" the voice stopped.

I turned to see Axel looking at me in shock. Micah soon came in and his eyes grew at my image. "Before you all start tackling me with question, Sobby over there-" I gestured to Makenzie who was still sobbing, "at the bar. A group of guys kept looking at us. We left to come to our room. They followed us and short story long, I ripped their heads offs excepting the last guy. He started begging for mercy. So I spared his life," I lied with a smile.

Micah's eyebrow rose, "You spared his life?" he asked.

I burst out laughing, "Hells no. You should've seen his face when I ripped his heart out," I laughed.

"YOU WHAT?!" Lucifer's voice boomed through the room. I turned to him and rolled my eyes, "Babe, it's okay. Everything's fine" I smiled looking at him.

I then looked around at everyone, "Now, it's been a fantastic night but I need to shower," I chirped before flashing out into the mansion. I stripped from my bloody clothes and threw it in the trash. Hopping into the shower, I scrubbed myself clean of bloody.

Once I finished, I hopped into PJs and flashed back into the hotel room. I walked around and saw Lucifer sitting on the couch. He looked pissed off but I just shrugged it off. I walked around the couch and he looked up at me.

"You need to tell me what is happening," he spoke in a stern voice.

I climbed onto his lap with my legs on both sides of him. He rest his head against my chest and wrapped his hands around my back. "Please talk to me," he pleaded as I ran my hand through his hair. I felt a bit sad when his words came out.

I lifted his head up so he was looking directly at me. A small smile grew on my face, "Everything is okay. Just know that I love you...with all my heart," I added before kissing his head.

I looked down at him to see his eyes focused on me. "I know this isn't the real you. Axel and Micah told me what happen when I told them you were gone. Trust me when I say this, but I'm not going to stop until I get the real you back," he spoke with determination.

I nodded my head, "I know you will...but let's hope that doesn't happen for a while. Truth is, I really enjoyed ripping the guy's heart out," I smiled at the end.

He watched me with no reaction, just a sigh. "You act like this is a bad thing. I'm actually enjoying this," I admitted causing him to tense up.

His eyes darkened but remained human. "Go to bed," he demanded in a soft tone.

My eyebrow rose at his demand, "Why are you mad? It's-"

"I'm not going to tell you again, go to bed," he growled in a deep voice. I looked at him a bit shocked. He glared at me and I rolled my eyes in return. I got off his lap and stormed away, into the bedroom.

Why is me being evil such a bad thing? No one ever had a problem with Axel being a demon or Lucifer the king of evil.

I climbed into the king size bed and covered in the warm blanket. I laid down on my side and stared out the window. The sun was now rising.

How can I turn into something like a Demon and not live up to it. I've always been the good one. I've always been through it all. It's not fair. I should have what I want and when I want it. It's my time. No one is going to stop me, even if it kills me...again.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now