"I'm not going to let the real Sky go," I mumbled to myself as I walked down the hall.


Skylar P.O.V

I let out a soft sigh as I stared at Lucifer's sleeping body next to me. Not to long ago, everyone left and Lucifer and I, let just say we had a bit of fun. After, he fell asleep which leaves me here, awake. I looked at the time on the cable box and saw it was almost 2 in the morning.

Thinking for a bit, I decided to go for a little wake to clear my mind. Everything was still swarming around in my head after what Micah and Axel told me. I slowly removed Lucifer's hand from around me and slide out of the bed. Standing up, I walked over to my suitcase and threw on some basic shorts and tank top.

I looked over to my phone on the dresser and decided not to take it. Silently walking across the room, I put on my shoes and walked out the room. I closed the door behind me and started to walk down the hallway and into the elevator. I started to remember the time Jasper's handsomeness had me in a trans.

I also remembered how he was funny and fit right in with us. "Jasper" I sighed out at the thought of him. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the elevator wall. I remember the time I died and went to some paradise or something. I don't quite remember but Lucifer got me out. Then there's the most recent time I died but this time it was official.

Opening my eyes as the door dinged, I walked out only to be greeted with a gush of cold air. The lobby was super cold since it was hot outside. I walked over to the front desk and watched as the guy in his late 20's look up to me with a smile on his face. His eyes lingered down my neck and stopped at my chest.

I rolled my eyes, "Do you know where the bar is around here," I asked causing his eyes to flicker up meeting mine again.

"Well, there's one about 4 minutes away. Just exit this hotel and make a right. Walking down, you'll see the bar" he smiled and I nodded as a thank you.

I turned on my heels and started to head out. "Be care out there. You shouldn't be alone this late in the night!" he shouted.

"I can take care of myself," I replied without turning around.

He mumbled something causing my sense of hearing to heighten, "Such a pretty thing and doesn't know what's coming," he mumbled.

I was about to turn around and demand what that meant but I just let it go. Following the directions he gave, I found the bar within 4 minutes exact. Walking in only to see about 7 people around including the bartender. I walked up to the bartender and sat on a stool.

"You have got to be kidding me," a familiar voice scoffed. I turned to see Makenzie 3 seats away. Great.

"Hello sweetheart. What may I get you" a guy in his 30's asked.

"Your strongest drink" I stated, he nodded and walked off.

I looked around the bar and saw a group of guys eyeballing me and grinning. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. My drink was placed down in front me and I thanked the bartender before he disappeared in the back.

I sipped on my drink and smiled as it tasted good. The burning liquor ran down my throat but had a cool touch at the end. A figure stood next to me causing me to look up. A guy with black hair and brown eyes grinned at me. "I'm not interested," I hissed before he could say anything.

His grin dropped and I saw coldness flash across his eyes. "Do you not know who I am" he asked.

I stared at him and drank my drink. My eyes widened, "Oh my gosh. How could I miss it?" I smacked my forehead causing him to smirk. "You're the guy who can't take a hint" I stated in stern tone whilst smirking at the end. He stormed away and I heard laughter coming next to me. I turned to see Makenzie laughing, "I hate you but his face was just priceless," she kept laughing.

I shrugged and drank out my drink. I then turned to Makenzie who was just now sitting there in silence. "Can I ask you something," I watched as she turned on her seat to look at me.

"Why did you become so mean to Axel? Do you he actually use to adore you. He told me very nice things about you and then you show up. At first I think how beautiful you are and you looked nice but when you opened your mouth, it's not all rainbows and glitter," I stated.

She slouched in her seat as if she knew it was the truth. I felt her getting ready to open up. "Truth is, Axel always use to talk about how a great person you are. I've her so much good things, no from you alone but also from your boyfriend. I see the way everyone looks at it. It's not looks of disgust but looks of respect and friendliness. To be honest, I was jealous," she mumbled the last sentence.

I got up and walked over to the seat next to her and sat down. "Makenzie, you have nothing to be jealous off. Axel use to talk about how nice you were to me. When he would talk about you, he would just stare off and smile. I don't understand how my jealously turn you into...this," I gestured to her, "No offense," I added.

She laughed and shook her head, "It's fine but that's not the total truth as to why I became like this," she paused for a second debating whether or not she should tell me. She let out a sigh and looked down, "I know about who Axel is and your boyfriend. I know he's a demon and your boyfriend is ...the Devil," she mumbled.

"How did you-"

"Axel told me after a week. He wanted to be honest with me. He should me how his eyes would turn back and how he could move things. At first, I freaked out but he somehow managed to calm me down. He swore never to harm me. I thought since he's a demon, he would like for me to be evil just as him," she admitted.

"Makenzie, that is the most stupidest thing I've heard" I said in a firm voice.

She looked at me and sighed, "I know. I totally regretted it. Later on I understood he didn't want that. He wanted me for who I actually was. I didn't change because I thought it was too late. I know he hates me now for it. I'm pretty sure we're going to break up to," she frowned.

I felt her emotions waving of sadness over me and for some odd reason...I couldn't care less, but I knew I couldn't just say that. "Makenzie," I spoke in a soft voice, "Just talk to him and tell him how you felt and how you made a mistake. See where things go from there if you truly like him," I suggested. I watched as her face lifted up with a sense of hope. I almost burst out laughing.

I'm such a bitch...and I kind of like it to be honest.

"You're right. Thank you so much. I'm so sorry for treating you so horrible and lying to Axel about you," she tackled me with a hug from her seat.

My face squished up a bit in disgusted to the fact that she was hugging me. I slowly patted her back, "Sure," I replied more in a questionable way.

She pulled away with a smile plastered on her face, "So tell me about yourself. Axel told me about everything accepting who you really are," she chirped as she drank her drink. I shrugged, "There's not much to know about me."

She poked my cheek and I swayed her hand away. "Don't do that" I spoke in a stern voice. She rolled her eyes, "You're so stiff. Lighten up," she huffed.

I ignored her request and looked around to see the bunch of guys still staring at me, but now they were looking at Makenzie. My senses went off and I knew something bad was going to happen. I turned around in my seat and turned to Makenzie, "The guys back there have been staring at us ever since I walked in and I feel like something bad is going to happen. We need to head back to the hotel now," I spoke in a stern voice.

She looked at me for a second then glimpsed over behind us towards the guys then turned to look back at me. "Wait, are you a de-"

"Look, one day I'll explain my story if you're still up but we need to go now," I demanded more harshly. Despite hating her guts, Axel would probably never forgive me. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't care much if she was gone but Axel, who doesn't love that dude.

She nodded her head and tabbed the drinks under our names before walking out. "Whatever you do, don't look back" I spoke in a low tone. "Sky, you're scaring me," her voice came out shaky.

"Just keep walking," I demanded. 

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now