Louis’ P.O.V

            “Cocaine Louis… cocaine.” Morgan Monroe kept repeating herself, the wild look in her nearly black eyes was meant to alarm me, but instead it actually quite amused me. Her voice continued to escalate to an even louder volume every time she repeated the word; it was as though the silly woman was under the impression that the repetition would make it less illegal.

            I simply nodded my head in response, my arms crossed over the light knit I had hastily thrown on.

            “Cocaine!” Morgan slammed her hand onto the mahogany table in front of me, the pens rattling in their metallic cage as Morgan’s dyed black hair fell around her head like a curtain. She was now leaning over her desk, nearly within kissing distance. Any other time I would have taken this moment to make a joke about her sexual tension towards the both of us, but I was far too hung over and annoyed to even open my mouth and grace her with an argument.

            “We didn’t do drugs Morgan, we just went out. The press always makes a story out of it, one beer and we’re suddenly on Heroin,” Harry opened his mouth for me and his defense would have surely worked any other day, but of course it didn’t work in our favor today.

            “Shut up Styles,” Morgan growled, her perfect set of pearly whites on display like a lion at the zoo. “You two have been nothing but trouble since Louis broke up with Camilla!” The stained pink on her lips jumped out at me as the world suddenly lit up in fiery contempt.

            I abruptly stood up from my chair, nearly knocking the imported leather over as I pushed my face right up next to Morgan’s. “Don’t you dare talk about my personal life Morgan.”

            I heard Harry’s sharp intake of breath next to me, but luckily the rest of the boys were still at home, unknowingly at rest in their beds, otherwise one of them would have surely tried to stop me.

            “I can damn well do what I please when it affects my job and your image that I’m paid to protect!” She gritted her teeth, sitting back down in her chair and narrowing her thick eyelashes at me.

            To anyone looking through the glass it’d look as though I was the typical celebrity throwing a fit, my body was still bent over the expensive table even after hers had retreated. A rush of emotions freshly streaming through my blood as Morgan sat with her legs crossed as though she hadn’t just been screaming up in my face mere seconds ago.

            “Just let the rumors go away on their own without making a big deal of it, they always do.” Harry interjected rationally, his painstakingly slow voice was even slower and raspier this morning; a side effect to being pounded awake by a throbbing headache and Modest!’s phone calls on full volume.

            “That’s where you’re wrong Harry.” Morgan grinned maliciously, pressing a button on her desk phone and holding it to her ear. Sometimes I wondered how she could hear through all that hairspray and bullshit that was clogging her ears.

            “Yes Elaina,” Morgan paused on the phone as the cheerfully fake voice picked up on the other line.

            ‘Is that the same Elaina?’ Harry mouthed, catching my eye as his eyebrows shot up to the top of his forehead. A small smirk etched into the creases of his lips as I nodded my head and licked my lips.

            Harry bit his plush pink lips between his teeth, not daring to smirk as he –I’m sure- recounted the tale I’d told him of what used to be the elusive Elaina the sex god from two weekends ago. Now however, she was just Elaina, the pretty Italian that I’d had a bit of fun with.

            No blood, no foul. Right?

            “I’d like you to send for Mr. Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Niall Horan within the next thirty minutes-“ Morgan broke Harry and I out of our miniscule moment of blissful joking. Unaware that our freedom would soon be ending we both looked at her with crinkled eyebrows, caught in a moment of confusion.

            -“Oh, and Elaina, let Paul know he’ll be needed as well.”



Hello my lovely readers and good Tuesday to you all! 
I hope if you're stopping to read this you could maybe also stop and give it a quick vote, of course that's only if you feel like it :)

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my good wattpad friend Monique, her Louis fanfic inspired me to write on wattpad and even after that she's been an amazing person to talk to! So this story is for you Monique <3

Let me know -if you want- how your weekend was? How was your today? What'd ya think of the chapter and what do you think is going to happen?

I love any/all of you whom are reading and feel free to ask me to  read your fics because I always need a good one!

Love always,


ALSO, Important side. 

I will be updating WEEKLY, however if you reach a set number of votes the chapter will be updated the day you all get the votes :)

Now, that being said!

8 votes for an early update!

Next update: Wednesday Feburary, 12th

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