Chapter 9: Just The Beginning.

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Like my Jason McCann edit above?-Lilly

Brooke's POV

I can't believe Jason just left me here! Great now I have to walk to the house. I don't even know how to get there!

"What are the directions?"-Brooke

"47712 Atlas Avenue"-Justin

"Thanks ;)"-Brooke

It's so cold out here and his house is about a mile away! I get that he was drunk but he shouldn't act like that! I forgot a jacket, and I'm wearing a dress with heels. After about twenty minutes I finally arrived. Jason's car was there safe and sound, telling me he didn't crash. I was about to open the door right when my phone vibrated.

"Brooke, have you seen Angel"-Justin

"I never knew what she looked like"-Brooke

"Here's a pic *send me a pic*-Justin

"Oh, I don't think so"-Brooke

"I think she might've went home.Thanks anyway"-Justin

Wait? Wasn't she making out with Jason earlier? Maybe I'm seeing things... I opened the door and surprisingly it was unlocked. I set my handbag on the counter and slowly went up the steps. I walked to where I thought where Jason's room was at and knocked. The door creaked open slightly so I decided to open it. Oh my god, what I saw pissed me off. There was a blondie which looked like Angel, sleeping with Jason. I couldn't really see her face because she was cuddling with his chest. I walked to what seemed like a closet and opened it. I saw many utility things like, brooms, mops, cleaning supplies, air freshener...AHHH A BUCKET! Got the perfect idea. I yanked the bucket out and quietly closed the door. I walked back down the steps and out the backdoor, grabbed the hose and filled the bucket with cold water. I shut it off and walked back into the house, into the hallway in front of his room.

Justin's POV

I opened the door and looked up to see Brooke standing in front of a doorway, upstairs. I hung my keys on the coat hanger along with my jacket. Then walked up the steps and realized she had a bucket full of water and was standing in the doorway of Jason's room. "Bro-" "Shhh, look at this" she whispered, interrupting me. I peeked over her shoulder and saw them in bed together. How could Angel do this to me? We've been dating since the 7th grade! Aw hell naw Jason! I was about to push through Brooke when she stopped in my way. "Just go to bed, I'll pour this bucket of cold water on them and you can deal with it in the morning"she whispered. I mean, I was pretty tired and I think that'd be better. I just agreed and headed on to bed.

Jason's POV

I was sleeping beautifully until I felt cold water splash against my body. I rolled over and fell on the floor choking on water. I stood up immediately and saw Brooke standing there with a water bucket in her hands. "Nice going, and you kidnap me because you liked me. And you wonder why I'm mad at you. Choke on that water you dumb ass" she said quietly. She walked out of the room and into the guest room. I heard her lock the door loudly. I ain't dealing with this. I realized Angel hadn't been soaked and still slept like a baby. I opened my dresser and took out some dry clothes, then put them on. I fell back asleep in my bed.

Angel's POV

I woke up to screaming and jumped out of bed. I flung open the door and saw Justin dangling Jason off the edge of the railing of the upstairs. "You little asshole!" Justin screamed at him. Jason whimpered and screamed. "Help! Put me down!"he whined. "What are you doing" I asked. Justin turned his head to look at me and gave me  scowl. "You see. How about you get the fuck out of my house and out of my life you little bitch". I gave him a dirty look. "It's my fault, he was drunk" I said. Justin smirked and pulled Jason back up but threw him on the upper floor. I saw this girl come out of a room and head towards the commotion. "Who the hell are you?". She looked at me at folded her arms. "I'm Brooke. Why are you, the slut, still here?" she asked. I walked towards her until she stood up straight. She was way taller than I was. "I suggest you leave" she whispered in my ear. I headed towards the steps and kept looking at her until I headed down. I walked right out the door, right then and there!

Jason's POV

 I lied there on the floor pinned my Justin. "I'm not going to ask why. You were drunk, ha. Shouldn't have been that drunk, telling you could drive yourself home. Fuck you Jason, fuck you!" He said and spit in my face. I sat up against the wall as he got off and looked at Brooke. She was angrier with me now. I am stupid! I thought to myself. She probably thinks me kidnapping her was a joke. I said I liked her but here I am sleeping with another person's girl! "Brooke I-" she interrupted me before I could finish. "Don't talk to me". She flipped me off and headed towards her room again. I fucked up already!

Hope you guys are enjoying! I have to go for now, goodnigt zZZ. -Lilly <3

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