Chapter 22

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Brooke's POV

It's been about a week since I was...raped. Raped by Jason's father. We decided to drop the charges and what I mean by we is, me. I dropped them just for Pattie. She's pissed with him but,well, there isn't a but. Anyways, hopefully it doesn't happen again.

"Have a nice day" the cashier said as she handed me the bag. "Thanks, you too" I say as I walk out. I bought some new clothes since my belly has gotten slightly bigger from my pregnancy. Walking down the sidewalk, I swear I felt someone staring at me. Maybe not one but a few...I kept walking until it felt too much for me. I turned to look. My left, nothing. My right, nothing. Behind me, there was a dude with sunglasses, a yankees baseball cap, which meaning a New Yorker is in Illinois, and a leather jacket. Now that is the profile of a stalker. He kept staring at me along with a few dudes who were smirking. I shrugged it off and kept walking. This time, I heard footsteps from behind. Are they following me? I quickly glanced over my shoulder to see them a few feet behind me. Now this is when I started speed walking. As soon as my pace quickened so did theirs. What more do people want from me? I turned a corner hoping to lose them. Nope, still following me. My only focus was to reach my front door because Jason was home. Apparently that's not gonna happen either. They snatched me from behind and put a bag over my head. They must've had this planned ahead of time because I was immediately shoved into a vehicle. "What do you want from me!" I shouted. "We hate your boyfriend" one of them said. "So, we're gonna hurt him by using you" another said. What the hell is going on? Is there something he didn't tell me? "He's got some little secrets" a female said. I'm assuming she was the driver. "I'm his ex just so you know". I cringed at that. This is gonna be fun.

Jason's POV

Brooke should've been home by now. So I decided to call her. The phone was picked up but no one said anything.


"What is it babe?"

"You should've been home by now"

"I decided to get some coffee too"

"Thank god, you worry me girl"

"Haha, sorry"

"Well see you soon."

"Okay, I love you"

"I love you too. Bye"

I still don't feel alright. It's as if she was lying to me. I went back to drinking my tea and filling out bill paperwork. "Sup" Justin said as he walked into the kitchen. "Nothing really. I have a feeling Ashley lied to me about getting coffee and that something is wrong"I say before taking a sip of my tea. "You have been being a little overprotective but I'd be like that too after what has happened. Call her in a little bit and talk to her" he mumbles. Nodding my head, I open my laptop to finish the paper work. Hopefully he's right. I honestly don't feel she's okay...

Hiii. Sorry it's been a bit. I was visiting my great Aunt's house because my great grandma was there. That was yesterday though and it's only 10:34 in the morning right now. Well Vote and Comment please. <3 - Lilly

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