starting out a new life. [part 1]

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I’m a girl who doesn’t have a lot of friends. In fact my only real friend was my dog, Hubs. Hubs is a yorkshire terrier, he’s really loyal and friendly.

I recently moved to London because of my job. I managed artists for a living. Up until now I was assistant manager. Most people would consider me a bit young to be managing a band, but according to the boss I did a really great job. 

They sent me over to London because there was a group of boys that recently lost their manager. I mean they left, not like they died or anything.

I went to the company bright and early to meet them. I searched through boxes and boxes of clothes until I found the right box. I was so unorganized. Before I left I filled Hubs’ bowl with some water and food.

I left the house and went to look at the map. I’ve got to figure out where I was so I could get to the company. Good thing I left 30 minutes early so, just in case I got lost I wouldn’t be major late.

“Lost?” A voice crept up behind me.

I turned behind me and I saw Liam Payne. I did research on the band I was going to manage. One Direction they were called. Consisting of 5 british boys, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam Payne.

“Yeah, kind of. Could you help me out?”

“Sure where you going?”

“I’m going to Sony Entertainment.”

“Oh, you’re in luck I’m going there too!” He started to walk and I followed, walking beside him.

“Really? That means I can tag along with you. I’m sure I won’t be lost now.”

“So what are you doing going there?” He asked while getting on the subway.

“I’m actually going there to meet a band.”

“You win a contest?”

“Nope, I’m the new manager for them.” I smiled.

“Seem a bit young don’t you?” He chuckled.

“Yeah, most people would say that, but my boss said my abilities were really good. I got promoted to manager and I moved in a day ago. Still haven’t unpacked yet.”

“Who you are you managing then?”

“Oops, how rude of me. Hi I’m Samantha Wayne. Call me Sam for short. I’m your new manager.” I smiled and put my hand out to shake his hand.

He looked shocked, “What are the chances? I found a pretty girl and turns out she’s my manager?” He laughed.

I wanted to get to know him better, so I decided to strike up a conversation. He was a pretty easy guy to talk to. I liked that. Over the course of the conversation I learned that he has a strange fear of spoons, that even he didn’t know why he was so afraid of them. I found that kind of cute. 

When we arrived at the stop, we got off and walked straight into the doors of the company. I can’t believe it, I was going to be able to manage a band. I was just 20 though and I kind of got this job because of connections too. My parents manage artists for a living and they have this big company that hire managers. So basically, they manage the managers? I guess my parents saw my interest in managing bands so, they gave me this opportunity. 

“Boys, meet our new manager.” Liam introduced, “Samantha Wayne or Sam for short.” 

“Hi there Sam! I’m Niall, this is Louis, Harry, and Zayn. I’m guessing you already met Liam.” Niall pointed to each and everyone of the members as he introduced them. 

They were all quite nice, and they were all quite curious as to how in the world I got this job. I really did look young for my age. They all thought I was 17 or something. I laughed when they tried to guess my age. They were quite surprised when I told them I was practically the same age as them. 

Apparently they have been pretty big over the past few years since they were on x-factor. I saw them here and there a few years back but nothing major really. I wanted to make them into legends, or a pop icon. I was pretty sure I could do it.

“So, Sam! Tell us about yourself!” We all sat down at this big conference table and Louis asked the question.

“Well, I don’t have a lot of friends. My only real friend is Hubs my Yorkshire terrier. I like to go to beaches and walk around or just to listen to the oceans. I really love to bake and cook. Maybe one day you could all come over to my place and try my stuff.” I smiled.

“That’s cool! How about we go over today. Since you are our new manager you haven’t scheduled us for anything, we’re free to do anything after this.” Niall suggested in his Irish accent. At least I think it was Irish.

“My house is pretty messy. I just moved in a day ago so I haven’t unpacked anything.” 

“It’s alright! We can come over and help you unpack things.” Harry seemed really excited.

“It’s okay, I don’t want to bother you guys.”

“Well, where do you live?” Zayn asked.

“Judging by the fact I saw her by our place. I’m guessing somewhere close to us.” Liam answered.

“Well, I do live in a complex.”

“It could be the same complex! Come on! We’re going on an adventure to see where you live!” Louis exclaimed.

“You’re very funny! But I don’t want you guys stalking the manager and then bothering me all the time.” I laughed.

“Too late! Go, move!” Louis got up and ushered me towards the door with the other boys following behind. 

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