"Where's lover boy" Micah asked.

"He said he had to take care of some business. Ohh and Axel is going too. He's going to tell Axel for me" I spoke without removing my eyes from the t.v.

He hummed in response and I spent the next few minutes watching the remaining episode. After it was finished, I stood up and looked at Micah who was still on his phone.

"I'm going shopping. You want to come" I asked looking down at him. He looked up at me debating whether he wanted to go or not. He shrugged, "Sure, why not. I need to go shopping as well".

He got up and I walked out the living room. I decided to have Clyde and Benny since they probably wouldn't have much to wear for two week. I don't know how much clothes they even packed for staying over here. I pulled out my phone and texted Clyde to come downstairs with his brother.

After a minute or so, Clyde walked down the stairs with Benny behind him. "Sup" he asked with an eyebrow up.

"You're going shopping for you and Benny for the trip. There's a spare card in the car so let's go" I smiled walking to the door.

"That's nice of you but I'm not allowing you to spend-"

I turned around to see he was in the same spot. Benny was just looking at both of us in confusion. "Dude, you either get in the car or I will put you in it" I demanded in a playful tone.

He glared at me as a challenge. "Benny, you want goggles for the swimming pool" I asked with a smile. He started jumping up and down nodding his head.

"If you can get your brother to get in the car, then you can get it" I grinned. Don't worry. He was going to get the goggles either way.

Benny turned to Clyde who was just about to kill me with a death stare.

"Come on. It will be fun" I nagged.

"Dude, get in the car. It's been like 5 minutes already" Micah shouted.

"FINE" Clyde shouted and Benny did a victory dance.


I should've just went shopping by myself. Micah and Clyde literally dragged me into the men's store with them. I said no but does anyone listen, nope. If I asked them to come in the ladies department with me I'm sure their only reply would be groans.

I slowly walked behind them as they threw clothes in their cart. Benny came back squealing with a kid's shorts covered in palm trees. I got to admit, it looked adorable. My phone went off indicating I had a message. I looked at it and smiled as I saw who it was.

Lucifer: I'm almost done with work. What you up to babe?

Me: Nothing much. I'm with Micah, Clyde and Benny shopping.

Lucifer: Scumbag is with you... I'll meet you at the mall when I'm done. Did you shop yet?

Me: No. They dragged me into the men's store

Lucifer: Well I'll be there to rescue you in a few. I have to go. Love you and don't let anyone touch you or I swear I'll ripe their arm off

Me: ._. ...Love you too

Lucifer: I'm kidding.....maybe

I stared at the phone knowing it was a 50 50 chance he was joking and telling the truth. Oh what would I do without you. Probably already be dead. Just a wild guess. Twenty minutes later, we were still walking around the store. Benny and Clyde had finished shopping so now it was just Micah.

I watched as he picked up a shirt and stared at it before putting it back down. "You have got to be kidding me" I groaned out causing some of the strangers to look at me.

I walked over to Micah and grabbed his hand dragging him to the other shirt section. "What size are you" I asked as I looked through the graphic shirts.

"Large" he mumbled.

I looked through the shirts and picked out 9 different color shirts that was graphic in a Hawaiian style meaning it had palm trees or just flowers. Some were plain. We got some t-shirts, shorts, flip flops and basically anything you can find. Micah paid for his stuff. Turns out he also has a black card. I don't even know how he makes his money. Bothering not to ask I looked around and pointed to the ladies department.

Like I predicted, the guys both groaned. I turned around and looked at both of them. "I'll go with you" Benny squeaked. I looked down at him and smiled, "That's why you're my favorite" I smiled causing him to grin.

"Just go. We're behind you" Micah huffed. I headed into the store and grabbed a cart. I grabbed a few simple shirts, shorts, and dresses. I stood in front a blue and a red dress.

"Hey guy's which one do you think I should take" I turned around holding up the blue in the right hand and the red in the left. "The pink" Clyde mumbled without removing his eyes from his phone. Micah nodded his head in agreement as he to didn't bother to look out.

"Assholes" I scoffed. I watched as Benny was just on his gameboy keeping himself occupied. "Take the red. You would look beautiful in it" a deep voice came behind me. I turned around and instantly smiled.

"Sorry I took so long" he mumbled before kissing my forehead. "No worries" I smiled as he stood up straight.

I looked at the dresses in my hand. I placed the blue on back on the hanger and the red one in my cart. "Done" a voice asked. I turned around to see Micah behind me along with Clyde.

"No...Did you come with your car" I asked turning back to Lucifer. He sent a glare at Micah but nodded his head. I turned back to look at Micah and Clyde.

"You guys can take the car back home. Grab something to eat on your way if you want" I passed my keys to Clyde.

Before another second could pass, they ran off. Benny followed behind and I couldn't help but shake my head.

"So, what else does my beautiful girl need" Lucifer asked causing me to look up at him with a smile. "How about you take over from here. Pick out what you want me to wear" I shrugged.

His eyebrow rose, "Anything" he asked. I dropped my head to the side causing him to laugh. "Fine. I'll pick decent stuff" he smiled before kissing my lips. I kissed him back and he pulled away causing me to frown.

"Trust me Princessa, if I don't stop now, things will get out of hand fast" he stated. I nodded my head knowing it was somewhat true. I rolled the cart while he walked in front me and threw stuff in the cart. To be honest, he has a great taste. He knows what I like and that's what I loved about him.

I watched as he was down the idle 20 feet away looking through some more dresses. I couldn't help but smile.

"I love you" I mumbled. He seemed to hear me because he looked up and smiled, "I love you too Princessa" he mumbled back. I totally forgot he could hear far away. I smiled back and he went back to searching for clothes.

Fifteen minutes later, we were done. Lucifer ended up paying for all my stuff. I told him it was okay and we spend literally 5 minutes arguing about it. He also picked out swimwear for me. I didn't really pay attention to what he put in the cart to be honest. I was to zoned out looking at him.

We were now in his car getting ready to head to McDonald's for some food. "You sure you don't need clothes" I asked a final time as he started the car. He gave me a reassuring smile and nodded his head. He took my hand in his and we drove to a McDonalds.

"Drive thru or inside" he asked as we pulled up. I thought for a moment and looked through the glass window to see it was not really crowded.

"We can go inside if you want" I shrugged not coming to a full decision. He nodded his head and we parked the car before grabbing something to eat. 

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now