Got to be cruel to be kind!

Comenzar desde el principio

“Okay I think I have made my decision” I say after a few moments of contemplating in my head.

 Both guys perked up. Mark took a step forward and even Dimitri dropped his hand to my waist so he could move in front of me.

“look Mark, I admit I don’t really know what is going on here, but regardless of what happens Rob and Cas will not be involved in this, and you will protect them over me at all costs! Understood?” Mark nodded and smiled

“And Dimitri, I don’t know you and I know that there might be a chance you are working with the demons, although there is something telling me that you’re good, I don’t want to believe that you are a demon. I feel safe when you’re around, but Mark is still my best friend despite everything he didn’t tell me, so with everything considered I have to choose…” I took a pause before answering the long awaited answer; I can’t honestly believe I am doing this.

“Come on Cee” I heard mark whisper while staring at me desperate for the answer. I know this is going to break his heart but I have to do this, for the good of the people I love.

“Dimitri” I say with a sigh. A grin comes over Dimitri’s face while Mark looks furious

“What the hell Cee!” he yells

“I am so sorry Mark, I care about you and everyone else I can’t drag you down with me, and Dimitri has protected me for so long and I think he can help me. I just think I am safer with him” I cried out my eyes begging to see understanding in his face.

“Clara will be perfectly safe with me, I have vowed to protect her” Dimitri says for the first time this entire discussion.

He walks over and takes my hand in his; he brings it to his lips and places a light kiss on it.

“Look demon, you can take your vows and shove em! Clara please I beg you to change your mind” Mark pleads

“I’m sorry Mark its final! I am staying”

“Fine then, I hope this place is big enough for three!” Dimitri stood up as soon as Mark said that

“I will not have one of your kind living here!” he said with disgust in his voice

“Well tough! If Clara is staying so am I!” Mark argues

“Look guys can’t we compromise!” both of them turn to face me,

“No!” they say in unison, ugh these two are going to annoy me.

“Look! I have had a pretty stressful week and haven’t I been through enough?” their faces soften at the frustration and annoyance of me.

“I am going to stay with Dimitri whether you like it or not but mark can’t you just check up on me? You know like call me every so often?” I beg. Looking a little defeated Mark sighs.

“Is it really what you want?” he says quietly

Demon in me!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora