Prologue- Elizabeth Jones

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Another year my brother goes back to Hogwarts; and another year where I'm stuck here with my parents who want nothing to do with me. I mean who would? I'm nothing but a mistake; an accident that happened. I had to be, right? At least that's what they said. Why else would I be the only non-magic person in my family?

Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth Jones; the youngest in my family. I have a mother, a father and an older brother. We live in a small house just outside of London where there's nothing but farmland and greenery. My parents own a bunch of property; including a little hill where the most beautiful Cherry Blossom tree sits. I like to go there every time my parents get into fights; or when they try to bring me down.

Jane Jones, my mother; works with the Ministry of Magic along with my father; she has long platinum blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was the original reason why I'm hated by my family. She thinks that because I'm non-magic there's something wrong with me.

My father, Ethan Jones who works with my mom at The Ministry of Magic; has short spikey black hair and forest green eyes. Ever since he realized that I couldn't produce magic he thought that I wasn't his child at all. Accusing my mother of cheating they fight in our house every day. Mother says I'm the reason why our home is falling apart; I try to ignore her but It's beginning to get to me.

And lastly my older brother of 2 years; Edgar Jones. Who had taken after our father's black hair and our mother's brown eyes; and of course their magical traits. He also happens to be the favourite in the family (obviously). He got his Hogwarts letter after accidently setting his bedroom on fire when a spider fell on his bed at night. Our parents were over joyed when they found out that my 'perfect' and 'wonderful' brother got his Hogwarts letter; and they were even happier when he got into Ravenclaw because everyone as far back as our ancestors were put in that house.

Then they waited for my letter; a year went by and nothing happened. I still had hope though; I even tried setting my bed on fire just like my brother had but I had no such luck. 3 years went by and I accepted that I wasn't a witch; my parents losing complete faith in me.

And that leads to me; the outcast of the family. With the same Platinum blonde hair like my mother and the same forest green eyes like my father. But soon, I'm going to realize that my life is about to change.

This is a story about a lonely girl who finds her way when she finally gets her Hogwarts letter in her fifth year. When she finally finds friends and people who accept her and she is able to call family,

This is about a girl named Elizabeth Jones,

This is my story.


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