Chapter 2

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Odin never told frigga about the conversation he had with laufey, he never even told her laufey had a son. He focused his attention on his own son.
Thor grew up in the palace of Asgard, his entire life he and everyone around him knew that one day he'd be the king of the realm, he was the only son of Odin and frigga and he was therefore the heir. Odin taught him about the wars and the history between all the realms, especially the history between Asgard and jotunhiem. When Thor was a child he already talked about how he'd defeat the jotuns again, he'd destroy the realm and kill all the frost giants, that was Thor's goal ever since he was a young boy, but Odin tried to discourage those thoughts, he taught him about the values a king should have and that revenge and justice are very different.
Thor was grown up now, about the equivalent of a thirty year old human, he still hated the jotuns but his goal was no longer to invade and destroy. Instead he simply wanted them to respect him, and to fear him so they wouldn't try to make war again.
Thor walked into the throne room where his father was finishing a meeting a with the council of Asgard. He waited quietly until they all left and then approached his father.
"I'd like to request once more that I accompany you tomorrow" Thor said.
Every year the king and queen of Asgard would visit the other realms to make sure everyone was still in alignment and to make sure that everything was in order wot the other leaders. There was about a month of every year when they'd make their visits, staying in each realm for at least four days. The only realm he never visited was jotunhiem. The king of jotunhiem, laufey, never allowed for them to come to the realm and so they had never gone to jotunhiem since the war ended. This year however, laufey had agreed to let Odin and frigga come in peace.
For the past several years Thor had begun to accompany his mother and father during these visits, Thor would take over the throne in a few years and Odin wanted him to have this experience as he took over the realm. But Odin did not want Thor to go with them to jotunhiem
and was actually glad that laufey specifically excluded him.
"Thor laufey made it clear that only your mother and I are to come" Odin said to Thor, who was quite upset about the whole situation, he felt that he had the right to go.
"Who is laufey to give you or I orders? Why does he have the right to tell us who goes on this journey?" Thor said in a challenging tone.
"He is the one who invited us" Odin said with authority "the jotuns are allowed to keep people out just like anyone else, since the war Asgard has been forbidden to send anyone there. laufey, their king, has now invited your mother and I to come for the intended meeting, if you were to come it would be a direct statement to them that we have no respect toward their leader or their realm. We don't have to like them but they have their own rules and while we are their guests we will follow them. And quite frankly your attitude shows me that you aren't at all ready" he told his son. Thor stood there with clear anger in his face. He wanted to jotuns to fear him as the next king and so far laufey had shown and offensive lack of respect.
"In a week laufey and his queen will come to Asgard, you know that. You will have every chance to make your impression then" Odin told him more calmly. Thor knew his father was right. Because it was the first time since the war ended that Asgard and jotunhiem were having a peaceful meeting, Odin decided to return the invitation to laufey, a week after Odin and frigga went to jotunhiem laufey and his queen were going to come to Asgard. As you can imagine, this news did not please Thor in the slightest. Having the frost Giants here in his home yet being forced  to respect them? It would be a nightmare.
Then there was the fact that laufey would no doubt bring his own heir, Thor didn't know he had a son, but he imagined there was someone ready to take over.
"What about the throne of jotunhiem? There must be an heir and I imagine you'll let him come as well" Thor commented. Odin had an instant inamge of that baby, the prince, laufeys son. Why didn't he just kill that baby? Thor was right, by this time he would be an adult, maybe two years younger than Thor, and he no doubt had the same hate for the asgardians that Thor had for the frost Giants.
"I don't know if there is an heir or not. And it doesn't matter now. We will find out while we're there" Odin told his son as he turned and left him to go prepare for the trip to jotunhiem. As he got ready all he could think about was the son of the king, the prince of jotunhiem. He had images in his head of his son fighting laufeys son. the frost Giants were brutal, though Thor was two years older, laufeys son would be bigger and stronger becaus he's a giant, he would have the evil heart and mind of his father. He would inherit the hate of the king. Laufeys son would be Thor's greatest enemy.
At least, that's what Odin thought.

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