♡Chapter 27♡

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{Wes' POV}
I get downstairs and hear Everleigh get out of bed and go back into the bathroom. I go to the fridge and pour two glasses of water. I put them on the counter and go to the dvd cabinet.

After a while of looking for her favorites I call up to ask if I missed any. "Hey Ev!" I call. She doesnt answer so I call up again. "Ev!" I yell. She doesnt answer. I grab what I have and go upstairs so see whats going on. I walk upstairs and open the door quietly, just in case she's sleeping. I look inside and she's not there. I look at the bathroom door and its closed again. Shit. I put the stuff down quickly on the dresser and go to the bathroom. I can hear muffled crying. "Ev." I say pittifully as I open the door. "Babyyy." I say kneeling on the floor next to her. Her head is in her knees and she's shaking. "Ev." I say grabbing her wrist. She flinches and hisses in pain. I let go. I look at my hand to see a bit of blood. I turn over her arm and see a small slice on it. She drops a razor on the floor next to her and my heart sinks. I sit back in panic and shock. She looks up at me and he face is all red and teary. She shakes her head. "Don't do that." She says. I shake my head. "Dont leave." She whimpers. I go closer to her slowly so she isnt over whelmed. My hands and shaking and I cant speak. I pick her up and sit her on the counter. She watches me walk to the cabinet and get a hand towel with my eyes still wide open in shock and my hands still shaking. "Im sorry." She whispers. I dont say anything as I put the towel under cold water. "Im sorry!" She says louder. I shut off the water and look at her. "You dont need to say sorry. You know you dont have to resort to that right. Im right here." I say with tears in my eyes. "I know. A-a huge wave j-just came over me and I was paniced and stressed and I couldnt breathe again and there were v-voices in my head and i needed it to s-stop it was driving me crazy i tried to call you but the words wouldnt come out and-" she says a mess before i stop her. I pull her over to me. I just look at her. "I didnt want to. I dont know why I did." She says breathing heavily and tears streaming down her face. She covers her face with her hands. "Ev." I say with tears forming in my eyes. "I understand. But i know it hurts you...mentally more than physically. And i know thats why you did. To make the mentals go away but you know and i know it doesnt work. So now we know. This way doesnt work so you wont do it again and again cause it wont ever make it better," i say sobbing. "I know how you feel so I can help you...if youll let me." I say taking a deep breathe. At this point we're both a mess. "Okay okay lets try this, breathe in for 4 seconds.... hold for 7 seconds....... and breathe out for 8 seconds........" i say to her. We both repeat the cycle 3 times untill she can breathe okay again. She turns away, closes her eyes, and puts her cut arm out. I place the cold cloth on it and she flinches. "Shhh. Its okay" i whisper. She nods.

Im Yours -wesley tucker fanfic ♡Where stories live. Discover now